Angled shot of short black microcontroller.
A wild Kee Boar appears! It’s a shiny KB2040! An Arduino Pro Micro-shaped board for Keebs with RP2040. (#keeblife 4 evah) A lot of folks like using Adafruit...
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USB Type A to Type C Cable - approx 1 meter / 3 ft long
As technology changes and adapts, so does Adafruit. This  USB Type A to Type C cable will help you with the transition to USB C, even if you're still...
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Two piece adjustable soldering iron with blobby temperature adjustable body and separate fancy holder
Known by engineers for making excellent quality tools & soldering irons! This is a genuine Hakko FX-888D with digital temperature control! We worked hard to get...
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Solder Wire - 60/40 Rosin Core - 0.5mm/0.02" diameter.
If you want to make a kit you'll need some solder. This 0.1 lb (about 50 grams) spool is a good amount, not too much (like 1 lb spools) and not too little (like those little...
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Red and black diagonal flush cutters
These are the best diagonal cutters, large super-comfortable grip to use and have strong nippers for perfect trimming of wires and leads. I've used my pair every day for years.
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Red and black flat needle-nose pliers
These Italian-made Hakko pliers are excellent for any precision work. The nose is flattened and fairly short to provide excellent control. The inside of the jaws is also flattened so...
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Open case of Precision screwdriver set.
Break seals! Void warranties! With this handy screwdriver set at your hands, all hardware you touch will open up and reveal their secret innards.This set contains 6...
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