Modify Motor Shaft
Locate the shaft on the motor. In order to fit the assembly properly, one end of the shaft will need to be trimmed using flush cutters.
Reference the photo for which end to remove – It's the side that features a nubbin.
Install Gear for Motor
The 3D printed gear for the motor is press fitted into the shaft of the motor.
Reference the photo for correct orientation for installing the gear.
The gear is placed over the shaft with about a millimeter of clearance.
Install NeoPixel to Holder
Insert the wires from the NeoPixel through the top of the cylinder in the holder.
Press the jumper wires through the hole on the side of the holder.
Secure NeoPixel to Holder
Thread the jumper wires from the NeoPixel through the holder.
Press the NeoPixel on to the top of the holder so the PCB snap fits into the recess.
Secure Photo Interrupter to Holder
Use 2x M3 x 10mm long screws and hex nuts to secure the photo interrupter to the sensor holder.
Press fit the two M3 nuts into the holes on the sensor holder.
Place the sensor on to the holder and line up the mounting holes with the tabs.
Insert and fasten the screws through the tabs so the threads of the screws grab hold of the nuts.
Fit the wiring through the two build-in standoffs on the holder.
Install NeoPixel Holder to Bottom Plate
Use 2x M2.5 x 6mm long screws and hex nuts to secure the NeoPixel holder to the bottom cover.
Place the NeoPixel holder over the mounting holes on the bottom cover.
Orient the holder with the wires pointing in wards.
Insert the screws through the bottom cover and use hex nuts to secure the holder.
Install Motor to Bottom Plate
Use 2x M3 x 30mm long screws and hex nuts to secure the motor to the bottom plate.
Place the motor over the two standoffs in the center of the bottom plate.
Insert the screws through the bottom cover and body of the motor.
Use hex nuts to secure the motor to the bottom plate.
Secured Motor
Double check the motor is properly secured to the bottom plate.
Adjust the wiring so the cables they are pointing towards the same direciton.
Installing Inner Ring
Use 4x M3 x 6mm long screws and hex nuts to secure the inner ring to the bottom plate.
Place the inner ring over the bottom plate and line up the tabs with the four mounting holes.
Secure Inner Ring to Bottom Plate
Adjust the cables from the components so they're routed through the cutouts on the inner ring.
Use hex nuts to secure the inners ring to the bottom plate.
Secure Encoder Ring to Top Cover
The encoder ring is secured to the top cover using 5x M2.5 x 10mm long screws and hex nuts.
Fit the encoder ring over the top cover so the tabs are lined up with the mounting holes.
Double check the notches in the encoder ring are lined up with the slots in the top cover.
Insert and fasten the screws through the holes on the side and secure using hex nuts.
Install Gear Ring to Top Cover
The gear ring is press fitted into the top cover with the notches lined up.
Double check the orientation of the gear ring is able to fit trough the top cover.
Press the gear ring into the center of the top cover with the notches lined up.
Install Panels
Fit the tabs from the acrylic panels into the ten slots on the top cover.
Start with frame number one and proceed chronologically. The order of panels can be either clockwise or counter clockwise.
Use a flat filing tool to loosen up the edges if the slots are too tight.
Double check all of the panels are facing the same direction.
Install Frame Cover
The frame is press fitted into the groove on the edges of the bottom plate.
Place the cables through the semicircle cutouts along the sides of the framing.
Double check none of the wires are being pinched when installing the framing onto the bottom plate.
Wiring Adjustments
Take a moment to adjust the cables so they're neatly fitted through the cutouts in the assembly.
Installing Top
Begin to fit the top assembly over the bottom plate.
Fit the encoder ring through the photo interrupter while placing top over the bottom plate.
Place the gear ring from the top so it engages the gear on the motor.
Press the top onto the inner ring so the lip is seated onto the grove in the inner ring.
Installed Top Assembly
Double check the top assembly is correctly installed.
The encoder ring should be fitted through the photo interrupter.
The two gears should be engaged and oriented properly.
The lip from the top cover should be fully seated onto the groove on the inner ring.
Use at least two M3 x 6mm long screws to secure the CRICKIT featherwing to the CRICKIT pcb mount.
Orient the CRICKIT board so the notches are line up with the various ports.
Connect Motor to CRICKIT
Insert the wires from motor to the motor pins on the CRICKIT.
Use a small screwdriver to loosen and tighten the screw block terminals.
Connect NeoPixel to CRICKIT
Insert the wires from the NeoPixel to the NeoPixel pins on the CRICKIT.
Use a small screwdriver to loosen and tighten the screw block terminals.
Connect Photo Interrupter to CRICKIT
Plug in the wires from the photo interrupter to the signal header pins on the CRICKIT.
Connect DC to CRICKIT
Plug in the DC barrel connector from the power supply to the DC jack on the CRICKIT board.
Final Build
Use the built-in power switch on the CRICKIT board to turn on the circuit.
Congratulations on your build!
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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