Top Down Photography
This project uses t-slot 20mm x 20mm aluminum extrusion beams (sometimes refered to as "2020") to build a framing system that can be used for mounting a camera, perfect for getting overhead photos.
Overhead photography is the cornerstone of documenting projects. In this guide, you learn how to use 2020 extrusion, hardware and 3D printed parts to build a simple yet modular mounting system.
Backdrop Photography
This system can also be used to hold up a backdrop for getting glamor product shots. Spring clamps can be used to hold up poster boards, paper or fabric.
The leg assemblies can slide along the t-slotted aluminum extrusion so it's adjustable for just about any standard size of poster boards.
The overall dimension can vary depending on the length of 2020 extrusions. The height and length of the rig can be adjusted by sliding the leg assemblies or the overhead beam.
- Leg length: 610mm (24in)
- Leg height: 630mm (24.8in)
- Overhead Length: 1220mm (48in)

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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