In the bottom left corner of the screen, you'll see the currently selected text prompt for OpenAI. You can use the directional buttons to scroll thru the list.
When you take a picture with the shutter button, it will send the image to OpenAI. The response is shown on the MEMENTO display. You'll press the OK button to go back to the camera app.
If you've confirmed that all of your information is correct in settings.toml and you get a KeyError
when you send the image to OpenAI then you probably need to add a credit card to your OpenAI account. The vision model is not available to free tier accounts.
If you want to send an image to OpenAI again or with a different prompt, you can press the Select button. This will let you view the images from the microSD card and scroll thru them with the left and right directional buttons. You can change prompts with the up and down buttons. You'll send the image to OpenAI with the OK button.
Text editor powered by tinymce.