To get started, we need to burn the OctoPrint image to an SD card. You can downoad the image using the link below and use an image burning app to burn it to an SD card. You can get a list of image burning apps and burning instructions here:
The OctoPrint pack comes with OctoPi preburnt to the SD card.
Enter WiFi Settings
Before we boot up the Raspberry Pi, you’ll need to add your WiFi credentials to the octopi-network.txt file so it can connect to your network. Insert the SD card into your computers card reader and locate the file named octopi-network.txt, it’s in the root directory.
OctoPi Network Config
Open the octopi-network.txt in a text editor. Here we can enter our wifi credentials.
Look for the type of wifi network you have setup and enter your network’s name and password.
Remove the hashtag symbols from your wifi option like shown in the photo.
Save the config and close the file.
Boot Up Raspberry Pi
Eject and remove the SD card from your computer and insert it into the Raspberry Pi. Plug in the microUSB cable from your power supply to the Raspberry Pi and it should automatically boot up.
Connect to OctoPrint webpage
If you have a display connected to your Raspbery Pi, the IP address will show up in the terminal. Take a note of the IP address and enter that into the URL box in your web browser.
If you don't have a display connected to the Raspberry Pi, you can try hitting http://octopi.local/
Setup OctoPrint Admin Login
OctoPrint will prompt you choose a the username and password for accessing the interface. We recommend reading the description and choosing to "Keep Access Control Enabled". Choose a username and password and enter it into access window. Next, we need to install the M3D Fio plugin - this will communicate with the M3D printer.
Text editor powered by tinymce.