Text Editor
Adafruit recommends using the Mu editor for editing your CircuitPython code. You can get more info in this guide.
Alternatively, you can use any text editor that saves simple text files.
Download the Project Bundle
Your project will use a specific set of CircuitPython libraries and the code.py file, along with a folder full of key configuration files. To get everything you need, click on the Download Project Bundle link below, and uncompress the .zip file.
Drag the contents of the uncompressed bundle directory onto your Feather board's CIRCUITPY drive, replacing any existing files or directories with the same names, and adding any new ones that are necessary.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 John Park for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # NUMPAD 4000! Made with snap-apart NeoKey PCB and Feather RP2040. import board import keypad import neopixel import usb_hid from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode COLUMNS = 5 ROWS = 5 BLUE = 0x000510 WHITE = 0x303030 RED = 0xFF0000 board_pix = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness=0.1) board_pix[0] = BLUE key_pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D5, 30, brightness=0.1) key_pixels.fill(WHITE) keys = keypad.KeyMatrix( row_pins=(board.D4, board.A3, board.A2, board.A1, board.A0), column_pins=(board.D13, board.D12, board.D11, board.D10, board.D9), columns_to_anodes=False, ) kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices) keycode_LUT = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24 ] pixel_LUT = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 6, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 17, 16, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24 ] # create a keycode dictionary including modifier state and keycodes keymap = { (0): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_NUMLOCK), (1): (0, Keycode.BACKSPACE), (2): (0, Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH), (3): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_ASTERISK), (4): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_MINUS), (5): (0, Keycode.PAGE_UP), (6): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_SEVEN), (7): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_EIGHT), (8): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_NINE), (9): (0, Keycode.PAGE_DOWN), (10): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_FOUR), (11): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_FIVE), (12): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_SIX), (13): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_PLUS), (14): (1, Keycode.SHIFT), (15): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_ONE), (16): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_TWO), (17): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_THREE), (18): (2, Keycode.CONTROL), (19): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_ZERO), (20): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_PERIOD), (21): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_EQUALS) # KEYPAD_ENTER on non-mac } shift_mod = False ctrl_mod = False while True: key_event = keys.events.get() if key_event: if key_event.pressed: if keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][0] == 1: shift_mod = True elif keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][0] == 2: ctrl_mod = True if shift_mod is False and ctrl_mod is False: kbd.press(keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1]) print(keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1]) key_pixels[pixel_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)] = RED elif shift_mod is True and ctrl_mod is False: kbd.press(Keycode.SHIFT, keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1]) print(keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1]) key_pixels[pixel_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)] = RED elif shift_mod is False and ctrl_mod is True: kbd.press(Keycode.CONTROL, keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1]) print(keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1]) key_pixels[pixel_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)] = RED elif shift_mod is True and ctrl_mod is True: kbd.press( Keycode.SHIFT, Keycode.CONTROL, keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1] ) print(keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1]) key_pixels[pixel_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)] = RED board_pix[0] = WHITE if key_event.released: if keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][0] == 1: # un-shift shift_mod = False elif keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][0] == 2: # un-ctrl ctrl_mod = False kbd.release(keymap[keycode_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)][1]) key_pixels[pixel_LUT.index(key_event.key_number)] = WHITE board_pix[0] = BLUE
Use the Numpad 4000
Once the libraries and code are installed, the Numpad 4000 will work as a USB HID keyboard device. You can try it out right away by plugging the keyboard into your computer via a known good USB cable and then typing in some numbers and symbols.
This guide page has a great intro to CircuitPython HID Keyboard.
For even more details, check out the documentation at https://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/projects/hid/en/latest/ which includes all of the keycodes and media codes you can use.
If you want to customize the keys, to send different keycodes, this dictionary contains all of the mappings:
keymap = { (0): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_NUMLOCK), (1): (0, Keycode.BACKSPACE), (2): (0, Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH), (3): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_ASTERISK), (4): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_MINUS), (5): (0, Keycode.PAGE_UP), (6): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_SEVEN), (7): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_EIGHT), (8): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_NINE), (9): (0, Keycode.PAGE_DOWN), (10): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_FOUR), (11): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_FIVE), (12): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_SIX), (13): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_PLUS), (14): (1, Keycode.SHIFT), (15): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_ONE), (16): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_TWO), (17): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_THREE), (18): (2, Keycode.CONTROL), (19): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_ZERO), (20): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_PERIOD), (21): (0, Keycode.KEYPAD_EQUALS) # KEYPAD_ENTER on non-mac }
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