Plug the IKEA Vindriktning into a USB-C cable and an appropriate power supply. The QT Py will receive power from the Vindriktning's PCB and should connect to Adafruit IO.
It will take longer for the QT Py to connect to Adafruit IO than it will take for the Vindriktning to start up. This is because the QT Py needs to establish both a WiFi connection and authenticate itself with Adafruit IO.
After less than a minute, the QT Py appears "online" on the Adafruit IO devices page.
While the graph block on the Adafruit IO Dashboard may initially be sparse, it will populate with readings over time as the PM1006 air quality sensor obtains readings.
If you've set up notifications using Actions, you'll receive SMS alerts if the air quality declines past your defined threshold.
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