Now to use Adafruit IO to add the sensors to the QT Py and configure them to periodically send data to the cloud.
Add PM1006
First, enable and configure the PM1006, the air quality sensor connected to the IKEA Vindriktning.
From the Adafruit IO device page, select the Qt PY ESP32-S3.
This is the "device page". From here, you can configure and interact with your device. To add the PM1006 air quality sensor to your QT Py, click the "+" button (or the "New Component" button).
Type IKEA into the component picker's search bar and the Vindriktning component appears.
Click the Vindriktning component.
The Send Every option configures how often data from the Vindriktning's air quality sensor will be sent to Adafruit IO.
Set Send Every to an interval of your choosing (we selected Every Minute) and click Create Component.
The device page should now show the Vindriktning air quality sensor. After a minute elapses, the QT Py automatically reads the air quality sensor's measurement and sends it to Adafruit IO.
Add BME280 Sensor
Next, configure and add the BME280 sensor to the QT Py.
Again, click the "+" sign or "New Component" button to bring up the component picker.
Unlike the PM1006 sensor, the BME280 sensor has multiple options.
Select which readings from the BME280 sensor you'd like to send to Adafruit IO and how often.
Click Create Component.
The device page should refect the addition of the BME280 sensor. As the QT Py reads values and sends them to Adafruit IO, they will appear on this page.
The device page shows the most recent value of a sensor. While this is useful for seeing the status of the IKEA Vindriktning at a glance, Adafruit IO's free plan stores data points for up to 30 days (and 60 days if you are on an Adafruit IO Plus plan).
On the next page, you'll create an Adafruit IO Dashboard to display data from the IKEA Vindriktning and share the dashboard with others.
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