Low-cost Lithium Polymer batteries have revolutionized electronics - they're thin, they're light, they can be regulated down to 3.3V and they're easy to charge. On your phone, there's a little image of a battery cell that tells you the percentage of charge - so you know when you absolutely need to plug it in and when you can stay untethered.
The Adafruit LC709203F LiPoly / LiIon Fuel Gauge and Battery Monitor do the same thing. Connect it to your Lipoly or LiIon battery and it will let you know the voltage of the cell, It does the annoying math of decoding the non-linear voltage to get you a good percentage as well!
This guide will explore how to read your device's battery percent, code-free, with Adafruit IO WipperSnapper. It will also explore how to send an SMS alert when the battery is fully charged.
What is WipperSnapper
WipperSnapper is a firmware designed to turn any WiFi-capable board into an Internet-of-Things device without programming a single line of code. WipperSnapper connects to Adafruit IO, a web platform designed (by Adafruit!) to display, respond, and interact with your project's data.
Simply load the WipperSnapper firmware onto your board, add credentials, and plug it into power. Your board will automatically register itself with your Adafruit IO account.
From there, you can add components to your board such as buttons, switches, potentiometers, sensors, and more! Components are dynamically added to hardware, so you can immediately start interacting, logging, and streaming the data your projects produce without writing code.

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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