Installing NFC Breakout
Orient the NFC breakout with the NFC cover.
Use 4 M3x4mm long screws to secure the NFC breakout PCB to the cover.
Place the NFC breakout over the cover so the mounting holes are lined up.
Connect Active Cooling Fan
Get the active cooling fan ready to install onto the Raspberry Pi.
Plug in the cale from the active cooling fan to the fan port on the Raspberry Pi.
Install Active Cooling Fan
Orient the active cooling fan with the Raspberry Pi so the plastic screws are lined up with their corresponding mounting holes.
Place the active cooling fan over the Raspberry Pi. Press the two plastic screws so they fit through the mounting holes.
Installing Pi
Insert the Pi into the 3D printed frame so the ports fit through their corresponding cutouts. Line up the mounting holes.
Secure Pi to Frame
Use four M2.5 x 10mm long screws and hex nuts to secure the Raspberry Pi to the 3D printed frame.
Connect M.2 Hat
Loosen the latch from the PCIe port and insert the flex cable from the M.2 Hat+ breakout.
Fully seat the flex cable and press the latch to secure it shut.
Install M.2 Hat
Line up the pins from the Pi with the pins on the M.2 Hat. Press down on the M.25 Hat to fully seat the GPIO pins.
Connect NFC Breakout
Plug the 2x20 socket header onto the Pi's GPIO header so the corresponding pins are inserted correctly.
Triple check the 2x20 header is placed onto the correct pins.
Install NFC Cover to Frame
Line up the edge of the 3D printed NFC cover with the railing on the frame. Slide the cover so it lined up with the frame.
Install Top Cover
Orient the top cover with the 3D printed frame. Press fit the top cover to close it shut.
Install Bottom Cover
Orient the bottom cover with the frame so the ports on the Pi's are lined up with the cutouts.
Press fit the bottom cover onto the frame.
Power Raspberry Pi
Plug in the 27W PD Power Supply 5.1V 5A into the USB C port on the Raspberry Pi.
Connect a HDMI display to the micro HDMI0 port on the Raspberry Pi.
The python script should automatically start after the booting sequence.
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