Thread The Rope
Grab the rope with the clasp on the end and thread it through the halve of the dome with the longer cable. Pass it through the center bottom opening and grab the end so the rope is through the dome. Ensure the rope does not catch any of the rollers.
Looping Thread
Use the clasp to clip onto the mounting near the center of the square opening. Keep the rope on hand and begin to pull to gain a moderate amount of slack. While holding onto the rope, form a loop. Grab the other halve of the sphere and begin to thread the loop through the center. The rope needs to be a loop in order for the pulley mechanism to function properly. Insert the rope loop through the square opening on the roller plate. Pass it through the core and out the end of the dome while maintaining the loop. Pull the rest of the slack through so the rope is taught.
Bring the two halves together and match up the orientations so they're mirrors of each other. When the tabs mate the magnets to snap the two halves shut. The magnets has enough hold to keep them secured. Keep the string on hand.
Install Ball to Railing
Bring the ball over to the aluminum extrusion. Orient and position the ball so the rope can function with a pulley relative to the position of the drive hub.
Insert the extrusion through the end of the ball (the side with the long cable). Fit the roller wheels onto the t-slots of the extrusion. Slide the rest of the sphere through the extrusion.
Temporarily wrap the rope loop wrap over the tip of the extrusion.
Position the sphere so the rope becomes taught.
Drive Hub Rope T Slots
The rope passes straight through the t-slots on two sides of the extrusion. Rotate the drive hub to wind up the rope. Clockwise rotation if your assembly matches orientation in the photo. With the rope taught, the rope should straight out and follow the t-slots. The sphere should freely slide along the extrusion. Keep the rope taught when positioning the sphere.
Assembly Side-Notes
This is admittedly the trickiest part of the assembly. I had issues figuring out the most efficient procedure for easy assembly so it may feel awkward. My advice is to have the pieces near by and do things slowly. Keep the rope at hand so it doesn't fall into the roller assembly – Fishing it out with tweezers can be helpful. Don't twist the sphere excessively or the bearing wheels could pop off.
Assembly Side-Notes
This is admittedly the trickiest part of the assembly. I had issues figuring out the most efficient procedure for easy assembly so it may feel awkward. My advice is to have the pieces near by and do things slowly. Keep the rope at hand so it doesn't fall into the roller assembly – Fishing it out with tweezers can be helpful. Don't twist the sphere excessively or the bearing wheels could pop off.
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