starts by initializing the hardware and class instances it will be using, collects the names of the sample and midi files, and blanks the display. A note about the file filtering. Clearly we only want .txt
files for voices (as described earlier) and .mid
for MIDI files. Additionally, we want to filter out files that start with ._
which MacOS will generate as part of its bookkeeping.
trellis = adafruit_trellism4.TrellisM4Express(rotation=0) trellis.pixels.brightness = 0.1 trellis.pixels.fill(0) syn = synth.Synth() seq = sequencer.Sequencer(syn) p = parser.MidiParser() voices = sorted([f.split('.')[0] for f in os.listdir('/samples') if f.endswith('.txt') and not f.startswith('.')]) print('Voices found: ', voices) tunes = sorted([f for f in os.listdir('/midi') if f.endswith('.mid') and not f.startswith('.')]) print('Midi files found: ', tunes) selected_voice = None
To set up the buttons there are two functions. These light up the top row with the valid instruments, while the rest are lit up for valid MIDI files.
def reset_voice_buttons(): for i in range(len(voices)): trellis.pixels[(i, 0)] = 0x0000FF def reset_tune_buttons(): for i in range(len(tunes)): trellis.pixels[(i % 8, (i // 8) + 1)] = 0x00FF00 current_press = set() reset_voice_buttons() reset_tune_buttons()
The main loop waits for input from the user: instrument and MIDI file selection. If an instrument is selected (using the top row of buttons, those available are colored blue) the matching instrument name is sent to the Synthesizer
. If a MIDI file is selected (the remaining 3 rows of buttons, usable ones are colored green) the file is parsed and the tracks sent to the Sequencer
to be played.
The selected instrument is indicated by having its button turn white. While a MIDI file is being played, its button turns white as well, but returns to green when it finishes playing.
while True: pressed = set(trellis.pressed_keys) just_pressed = pressed - current_press for down in just_pressed: if down[1] == 0: if down[0] < len(voices): # a voice selection selected_voice = down[0] reset_voice_buttons() trellis.pixels[down] = 0xFFFFFF syn.voice = voices[selected_voice] else: tune_index = (down[1] - 1) * 8 + down[0] if tune_index < len(tunes) and selected_voice is not None: trellis.pixels[down] = 0xFFFFFF header, tracks = p.parse(tunes[tune_index]) for track in tracks: reset_tune_buttons() current_press = pressed
The MidiParser
class does the job of reading a binary MIDI file and converting it into a header structure and a list of tracks. Each track is made up of events which are defined in
and discussed below.
The design and implementation of the parser was based on this format spec from McGill University's music department.
The parser starts off with some methods that help with reading data from the MIDI file. These include methods to convert various sized bytearrays into numbers or a string.
def _as_8(self, d): return d[0] def _as_16(self, d): return (d[0] << 8) | d[1] def _as_24(self, d): return (d[0] << 16) | (d[1] << 8) | d[2] def _as_32(self, d): return (d[0] << 24) | (d[1] << 16) | (d[2] << 8) | d[3] def _as_str(self, d): return str(d, encoding='utf8')
Next are methods for reading various numbers of bytes.
def _read_bytes(self, f, count): val = return val def _read_1_byte(self, f): return self._read_bytes(f, 1) def _read_2_bytes(self, f): return self._read_bytes(f, 2) def _read_3_bytes(self, f): return self._read_bytes(f, 3) def _read_4_bytes(self, f): return self._read_bytes(f, 4)
The final set of reading methods read various sized numbers from the file. These sizes are specified in bits.
def _read_8(self, f): return self._as_8(self._read_bytes(f, 1)) def _read_16(self, f): return self._as_16(self._read_bytes(f, 2)) def _read_24(self, f): return self._as_24(self._read_bytes(f, 3)) def _read_32(self, f): return self._as_32(self._read_bytes(f, 4))
One thing that is used a lot in MIDI files is the idea of variable sized numbers. These are stored in the low 7 bits of each byte, with the highest bit indicating whether there are more bytes. As each byte is read, the high bit is checked. As long it is 1, the result is shifted left by 7 places and the low 7 bits of the new byte added. When the high bit is 0 it means that this byte contains the final 7 bits; the result is shifted 7 to the left and the final 7 bits are added.
def _parse_variable_length_number(self, f): value = self._read_8(f) if value & 0x80: value &= 0x7F b = self._read_8(f) while b & 0x80: value = (value << 7) | (b & 0x7F) b = self._read_8(f) value = (value << 7) | b return value
Each MIDI file starts with a header that contains a few pieces of data, most importantly the number of tracks and some timing information. After opening the file, the first thing the parser does is parse the header. Based on the track count it finds there, if parses tracks.
def parse(self, filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: tracks = [] header = self._parse_header(f) for _ in range(header.number_of_tracks): tracks.append(self._parse_track(f)) return (header, tracks)
The header starts with a tag of text MThd
, followed by a data length (in 4 bytes). This has to have a value of 6
. If either of those things are wrong, None
is returned to indicate a problem. If they're both good, the next 2 bytes are read and the timing information extracted from them. A Header
object is constructed from the relevant information.
def _parse_header(self, f): if self._read_4_bytes(f) != b'MThd': return None if self._read_32(f) != 6: return None midi_format = self._read_16(f) midi_number_of_tracks = self._read_16(f) d = self._read_2_bytes(f) if d[0] & 0x80: ticks_per_frame = d[1] negative_SMPTE_format = d[0] & 0x7F ticks_per_quarternote = None else: ticks_per_frame = None negative_SMPTE_format = None ticks_per_quarternote = (d[0] << 8) | d[1] return header.MidiHeader(midi_format, midi_number_of_tracks, ticks_per_frame, negative_SMPTE_format, ticks_per_quarternote)
Part of the data in the header is the number of tracks in the file. Once we have the header, we can parse that many tracks. Parsing a track is straight forward: there's a MTrk
tag to start, followed by the number of events in the track (as a 32 bit number). Then it's just a matter of parsing that many events and appending them to the result list. As a fail safe, parsing stops when the end of track event is encountered.
def _parse_track(self, f): if self._read_4_bytes(f) != b'MTrk': return None track_length = self._read_32(f) track_data = [] for _ in range(track_length): event = self.parse_mtrk_event(f) if event is None: log('Error') track_data.append(event) if isinstance(event, events.EndOfTrackMetaEvent): return track_data return track_data
The next thing to look at is parsing events. This gets more complex fast since there are 4 different event types. The parse_mtrk_event
method grabs the delta time and type of the event, which every event has as its initial two pieces of data. Based on the type, the appropriate parse method is called which gets more data and continues figuring out what the event is before creating and returning it.
def parse_mtrk_event(self, f): delta_time = self._parse_variable_length_number(f) event_type = self._read_8(f) if event_type == 0xF0: #sysex event event = self._parse_F0_sysex_event(f, delta_time) elif event_type == 0xF7: #sysex event event = self._parse_F7_sysex_event(f, delta_time) elif event_type == 0xFF: #meta event event = self._parse_meta_event(f, delta_time) else: #regular midi event event = self._parse_midi_event(f, delta_time, event_type) log(event) return event
What's that delta_time
all about? Each event in a MIDI track happens at a specific time. Instead of having an absolute timestamp, MIDI files use delta times. What that means is that the timestamp on a device is the time since the previous event. Also, it's not time-time, it's time relative to the tempo of the playing track. So it's more like a number of ticks rather than milliseconds or microseconds.
The different types of events encapsulate different types of commands. This code parses all of them, but only implements the more common ones. Notably, there are a few meta events like setting tempo, and marking the end of the track. Probably more interesting are some of the MIDI events (since they makes noises) NoteOn
and NoteOff
are the ones we implement.
The details of each event vary, so have a look through the code (on the downloads page) to see the details. To get you started, let's look at the code that parses note on and note off events.
def _parse_midi_event(self, f, delta_time, status): if status & 0xF0 != 0xF0: command = (status & 0xF0) >> 4 channel = status & 0x0F data_1 = self._read_8(f) & 0x7F data_2 = 0 if command in [8, 9, 10, 11, 14]: data_2 = self._read_8(f) & 0x7F if command == 8: return events.NoteOffEvent(delta_time, channel, data_1, data_2) elif command == 9: if data_2 == 0: return events.NoteOffEvent(delta_time, channel, data_1, data_2) return events.NoteOnEvent(delta_time, channel, data_1, data_2) . . .
Note on/off are MIDI events so are handled in the _parse_midi_event
method. It's called with the timing value and what was the event type in the _parse_mtrk_event
method. Here, in the context of a MIDI event, it's referred to as status. As much as possible, the terminology from the MIDI file format documentation has been adopted.
First of all, some MIDI events are channel independent and have a type/status with all 4 high bits on. I.e. they have values that are 0xFn. In that case, the event type is found in the lower 4 bits. Note on/off event, however, aren't of that type; their type information (aka command
) is in the high 4 bits. It's masked and shifted to extract it from the byte. The lower 4 bits are extracted by masking to provide the channel number. The first piece of data for the event is read next, and it's high bit removed. Some events require a second data byte, specifically those with command values of 9 through 11, and 14. If it is one of those (note on/off have command values of 8 and 9, respectively.
Now we know what type of event (from command
), the time value, channel, and data bytes. Now the appropriate Event
subclass can be constructed and returned. Other types of events are parsed similarly.
And that's the parser: binary MIDI file in, header object and list of tracks (each of which is a list of events) out.
The Header class is simple. It's essentially a constructor and a single property of interest: the number of tracks. More property getters could be added as more of it's data is needed, but for now this suffices. For debugging there's a description string method:__str__
class MidiHeader(object): def __init__(self, midi_format, number_of_tracks, ticks_per_frame, negative_SMPTE_format, ticks_per_quarternote): self._format = midi_format self._number_of_tracks = number_of_tracks self._ticks_per_frame = ticks_per_frame self._negative_SMPTE_format = negative_SMPTE_format self._ticks_per_quarternote = ticks_per_quarternote @property def number_of_tracks(self): return self._number_of_tracks def __str__(self): format_string = ('Header - format: {0}, ' 'track count: {1}, ' 'ticks per frame: {2}, ' 'SMPTE: {3}, ' 'ticks per quarternote: {4}') return format_string.format(self._format, self._number_of_tracks, self._ticks_per_frame, self._negative_SMPTE_format, self._ticks_per_quarternote)
This code file contains classes for all the MIDI events. The Event
class is at the top of a small inheritance hierarchy. There are four subclass of Event
: F0SysexEvent
, F7SysexEvent
, MetaEvent
, and MidiEvent
. The last two have a layer of subclasses under them for the actual events. Each event has a constructor and a convert to string description method. The events that are implemented also have an execute method. Each of those call a related method in the sequencer (which we'll discuss next) and return a boolean. They all must return False
except for the EndOfTrack
event that returns True
to indicate that the track has completed.
The event classes provide a way to represent objects in an encapsulated way.
Consider the NoteOnEvent
class NoteOnEvent(MidiEvent): def __init__(self, delta_time, channel, key, velocity): MidiEvent.__init__(self, delta_time, channel) self._key = key self._velocity = velocity def __str__(self): return '%d : Note On : key %d, velocity %d' % (self._delta_time, self._key, self._velocity) def execute(self, sequencer): sequencer.note_on(self._key, self._velocity) return False
It has a constructor that captures the arguments. The key and velocity (basically how hard/fast the key was pressed, ignored in our simple implementation) are stored directly while the time and channel are passed up the hierarchy.
As mentioned, each event has a __str__
method that generates a readable description of the event for logging/debugging purposes.
Finally there is the execute method. The design of the system has this take a Sequencer
object as its argument. The method then calls a corresponding method on the sequencer with the appropriate values (the key and pressure in this case). This is an example of double dispatch which allows the sequencer not to care what the events are, beyond having execute methods.
The sequencer is pretty simple. There's a constructor that takes a synthesizer object that is used to make sounds and sets instance variables to sane defaults.
There's a tick
method that just sleeps for an amount of time based on the tempo.
The play
method takes a track and steps through it, calling execute on each event in order when it's time to. When executing an event returns True
, the track is over and play
def play(self, track): for event in track: delta_time = 0 while event.time > delta_time: delta_time += 1 self._tick() print('Executing %s' % str(event)) if event.execute(self): return
Finally there are methods that interface events with the system. In some cases this will do something with the synthesizer (e.g. starting and stopping notes) or with the sequencer itself (e.g. setting the tempo).
This is a fun class. It's the one that makes sounds, after all.
As in the Sequencer
class, the constructor here just initializes things. It doesn't do any real work. This is pretty commonly regarded as a best practice. See the section below for more on this important idea.
def __init__(self): self._voice_name = None self._voice_file = None self._samples = [None] * 128 self._channel_count = None self._bits_per_sample = None self._sample_rate = None self._audio = None self._mixer = None self._currently_playing = [{'key': None, 'voice' : x} for x in range(VOICE_COUNT)] self._voices_used = 0
Notably, even though the synthesizer uses the audioio
module, it doesn't initialize it in the constructor. That's not done until it's first required. The work to do that is in the _initialize_audio
method. Notice that the _audio
instance variable is initialized to None
in the constructor. If it's still None
when _initialize_audio
method is called, _audio
and _mixer
are initialized and connected. This is called lazy initialization and is a handy way to defer potentially expensive creation/initialization until it's actually required.
def _initialize_audio(self): if self._audio is None: self._audio = audioio.AudioOut(board.A1) self._mixer = audioio.Mixer(voice_count=VOICE_COUNT, sample_rate=16000, channel_count=1, bits_per_sample=16, samples_signed=True)
A key thing about the synthesizer is the instrument it uses. Here, that's called its voice. Notice that there's no instance variable called _voice
. Instead it's implemented as a property and two instance variables: _voice_name
and _voice_file
@property def voice(self): return self._voice_name @voice.setter def voice(self, v): self._initialize_audio() self._voice_name = utils.capitalize(v) self._voice_file = '/samples/%s.txt' % v.lower() first_note = None; with open(self._voice_file, "r") as f: for line in f: cleaned = line.strip() if len(cleaned) > 0 and cleaned[0] != '#': key, filename = cleaned.split(',', 1) self._samples[int(key)] = filename.strip() if first_note is None: first_note = filename.strip() sound_file = open(SAMPLE_FOLDER+first_note, 'rb') wav = audiocore.WaveFile(sound_file), voice=0, loop=False) time.sleep(0.5) self._mixer.stop_voice(0)
The getter is simple enough, it just returns the value of _voice_name
. The setter is a bit more involved. The first thing is to now (finally) initialize the audio system. Next the associated instance variables are given values. _voice_name
is set to the capitalized version of the string passed in. Notice that a capitalize
function is included at the start of the module. CPython has capitalize
as a standard part of it's String
class, whereas CircuitPython (and apparently MicroPython) does not. The _voice_file
variable is set to the name of the file that contains the MIDI key number to sample file mapping. That file is then loaded and parsed: putting the key-sample mapping into a Dictionary
. Finally, a second of the first sample from that mapping file is played as feedback.
Next, we'll look at the business end of the class: the parts than play and stop notes. This synthesizer supports 8-note polyphony. That means that 8 different notes can be played at the same time. This is why it uses the audioio.Mixer
class and not just the audioio.AudioOut
class. When the mixer was constructed (see earlier) it had 8 voices allocated. You can see in noteOn
how that's used.
def note_on(self, key, velocity): fname = self._samples[key] if fname is not None: f = open(SAMPLE_FOLDER+fname, 'rb') wav = audiocore.WaveFile(f) voice = self._find_usable_voice_for(key) if voice is not None: voice['key'] = key voice['file'] = f, voice=voice['voice'], loop=False) def note_off(self, key, velocity): if self._voices_used > 0: voice = self._find_voice_for(key) if voice is not None: self._voices_used -= 1 self._mixer.stop_voice(voice['voice']) voice['file'].close() voice['file'] = None voice['key'] = None
As notes are played, they are assigned to a mixer voice. The _find_usable_voice_for method is used to find a mixer voice that isn't currently being used. That is then assigned to the note and the mixer is asked to play the sample.
Similarly, when a note is to be stopped the associated voice is found and the mixer is asked to stop it. That voice is then reclaimed for use later.
Here are the two voice finding methods:
def _find_usable_voice_for(self, key): if self._voices_used == VOICE_COUNT: return None available = None for voice in self._currently_playing: if voice['key'] == key: return None if voice['key'] is None: available = voice if available is not None: self._voices_used += 1 return available return None def _find_voice_for(self, key): for voice in self._currently_playing: if voice['key'] == key: return voice return None
A case against doing real work in a constructor
One of the better discussions of this is written by a colleague of the author's when he worked at Google: Miško Hevery. He argues that doing real work in a constructor:
Violates the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): construction and internal initialization are inherently different activities from creating other objects that will be interacted with. SRP postulates that a piece of code (a class, method, or function) should have a single responsibility: i.e. it should do one thing.
Makes testing directly difficult: Testing such constructors is difficult. To instantiate an object, the constructor must execute. And if that constructor does lots of work, you are forced to do that work when creating the object in tests. You may not have done testing for your CircuitPython code yet, but as the microcontrollers get more capable, the software we write for them can get more complex. It's a good idea to write tests for complex software. Therefore, we want to do anything we can to make testing easier and faster.
Forces collaborators on you: Using the constructor to create all the objects that might be interacted with makes construction take more time. You may not want to take that time up front if it slows the startup of your code. Also, it limits what collaborators your class has to those that are coded in the constructor. This makes reusing the class in the future more difficult. Passing objects that get used into the constructor is a better approach. You can see this in the way the Sequencer
's constructor takes the Synthesizer
object to use.
Erases a "seam": Seams are places you can slice up your codebase to remove dependencies and instantiate small, focused objects and modules. If the constructor creates objects, those dependencies are hardcoded and it's harder to split the classes apart.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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