We'll be using CircuitPython for this project. Are you new to using CircuitPython? No worries, there is a full getting started guide here.
Adafruit suggests using the Mu editor to edit your code and have an interactive REPL in CircuitPython. You can learn about Mu and its installation in this tutorial.
There's a guide to get you up and running with CircuitPython specifically for the NeoTrellis M4. You should read it before starting to get the most recent CircuitPython build for the NeoTrellis M4 installed and running along with the required libraries.
Setting up your the NeoTrellis
To get your NeoTrellis M4 setup to run this project's code, first follow these steps:
1) Update the bootloader for NeoTrellis from the NeoTrellis M4 guide
2) Install the latest CircuitPython for NeoTrellis from the NeoTrellis M4 guide
For this project you will need the following libraries:
- adafruit_trellism4.mpy
- neopixel.mpy
- adafruit_matrixkeypad.mpy
When the libraries and code is installed CIRCUITPY should look like:
Click Download Project Bundle below to download a Zip file of the code and up to date libraries. Unzip the file and copy the files to your NeoTrellis CIRCUITPY drive.
If the game does not play, check your NeoTrellis setup at the top of the page and ensure the three library .mpy files are in the /lib directory on the CIRCUITPY drive.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Dave Astels for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ NeoTrellis M4 Express Memory Game Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code. Please support Adafruit and open source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Dave Astels for Adafruit Industries Copyright (c) 2018 Adafruit Industries Licensed under the MIT license. All text above must be included in any redistribution. """ # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return import time import random from rainbowio import colorwheel import adafruit_trellism4 COLORS = [0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00, 0x00FFFF, 0x0000FF, 0xFF00FF] trellis = adafruit_trellism4.TrellisM4Express(rotation=0) trellis.pixels.brightness = 0.1 trellis.pixels.fill(0) pixel_colors = [None] * 32 found_pairs = 0 previously_pressed = set([]) first_pixel = None key_pressed = None def index_of(coord): x, y = coord return y * 8 + x def cycle_sequence(seq): while True: for elem in seq: yield elem def rainbow_lamp(seq): g = cycle_sequence(seq) while True: trellis.pixels.fill(colorwheel(next(g))) yield def splash(): rainbow = rainbow_lamp(range(0, 256, 8)) for _ in range(64): next(rainbow) time.sleep(0.005) def assign_colors(): unassigned = [(x, y) for x in range(8) for y in range(4)] while unassigned: first_of_pair = random.choice(unassigned) unassigned.remove(first_of_pair) second_of_pair = random.choice(unassigned) unassigned.remove(second_of_pair) random_color = random.choice(COLORS) pixel_colors[index_of(first_of_pair)] = random_color pixel_colors[index_of(second_of_pair)] = random_color def handle_key(key, _found_pairs, _first_pixel): if key is None: return _found_pairs, _first_pixel key_color = pixel_colors[index_of(key)] if key_color is not None: trellis.pixels[key] = pixel_colors[index_of(key)] time.sleep(0.5) if _first_pixel and _first_pixel != key: if key_color == pixel_colors[index_of(_first_pixel)]: pixel_colors[index_of(_first_pixel)] = None pixel_colors[index_of(key)] = None for _ in range(5): trellis.pixels[_first_pixel] = 0xFFFFFF trellis.pixels[key] = 0xFFFFFF time.sleep(0.1) trellis.pixels[_first_pixel] = 0x000000 trellis.pixels[key] = 0x000000 time.sleep(0.1) trellis.pixels[_first_pixel] = 0x444444 trellis.pixels[key] = 0x444444 return _found_pairs + 1, None else: trellis.pixels[_first_pixel] = 0x000000 trellis.pixels[key] = 0x000000 return _found_pairs, None else: return _found_pairs, key return _found_pairs, None def check_for_key(last_pressed): now_pressed = set(trellis.pressed_keys) new_presses = now_pressed - last_pressed if new_presses: return now_pressed, list(new_presses)[0] return now_pressed, None demo_mode_enabled = True while True: trellis.pixels.fill(0x000000) assign_colors() found_pairs = 0 first_pixel = None remaining = [(x, y) for x in range(8) for y in range(4)] while found_pairs < 16: if demo_mode_enabled: previously_pressed, key_pressed = check_for_key(previously_pressed) if key_pressed: demo_mode_enabled = False break first = random.choice(remaining) remaining.remove(first) found_pairs, first_pixel = handle_key(first, found_pairs, first_pixel) previously_pressed, key_pressed = check_for_key(previously_pressed) if key_pressed: demo_mode_enabled = False break c = pixel_colors[index_of(first)] match = random.choice([x for x in remaining if pixel_colors[index_of(x)] == c]) found_pairs, first_pixel = handle_key(match, found_pairs, first_pixel) remaining.remove(match) else: previously_pressed, key_pressed = check_for_key(previously_pressed) found_pairs, first_pixel = handle_key(key_pressed, found_pairs, first_pixel) if found_pairs == 16: splash()
Page last edited January 20, 2025
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