Matching pairs of tiles is a very common memory game that has appeared at various time in various motifs. It's also a good game for the NeoTrellis. In this context we can match colors on the buttons.
At the beginning of a game, all buttons are dark. The player presses a dark button (pressing lit buttons is ignored) and it's color is shown. Now the player presses another dark button with the goal of matching the color of the first. If they don't match, both go dark once more. If they do match, both buttons flash and turn white. Once all 16 pairs have been found, the game is over and there's a small light show.
There are 6 different colors used, so there are multiple pairs for each color.
There's also a demo mode that runs when the code starts.
This project was inspired by a comment Yannick Mauray made in Discord during an episode of John Park's Workshop.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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