The QT Py and NeoPixel BFF stack on top of each other, back-to-back with the USB port and NeoPixel port facing the same direction. Solder them together using the included headers.
NeoPixel strips have an IN and OUT end. Be sure you're connecting to the IN end or the pixels won't light up. Look for arrows on the strip to show direction of data flow.
The NeoPixel strip plugs directly into the 3-pin connector on the BFF. Plug the power switch tail into the USB port on the QT Py and then into the battery.
This project powers the pixels directly through the board since there are only a few pixels. This arrangement works for small projects of 30-60 pixels. For larger projects with more LEDs, you'll want to power the pixels directly from a 5V power supply. If you are powering more than 60 LEDs or so, see the guides below:
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