For advanced NeoPixel fans, we how have a bendable, Flexible 8x8 NeoPixel LED Matrix! Control all 64 ultra-bright LEDs using a single microcontroller pin, set...
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Feather is the new development board from Adafruit, and like its namesake it is thin, light, and lets you fly! We designed Feather to be a new standard for portable microcontroller...
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FLORA is Adafruit's fully-featured wearable electronics platform. It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.FLORA...
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Would you like to add powerful and easy-to-use Bluetooth Low Energy to your wearable FLORA project? Heck yeah! With BLE now included in modern smart phones and tablets, its fun to add...
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By popular demand, we now have a handy extension cord for all of our JST PH-terminated battery packs (such as our LiIon/LiPoly and 3xAAA holders). One end has a JST-PH compatible...
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Lithium-ion polymer (also known as 'lipo' or 'lipoly') batteries are thin, light, and powerful. The output ranges from 4.2V when completely charged to 3.7V. This...
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