MakeCode Maker,, is a web-based code editor for physical computing. It provides a block editor, similar to Scratch or, and also a JavaScript editor for more advanced users.
Some of the key features of MakeCode are:
- web based editor: nothing to install
- cross platform: works in most modern browsers from tiny phone to giant touch screens
- compilation in the browser: the compiler runs in your browser, it's fast and works offline
- blocks + JavaScript: drag and drop blocks or type JavaScript, MakeCode let's you go back and forth between the two.
- works offline: once you've loaded the editor, it stays cached in your browser.
- event based runtime: easily respond to button clicks, shake gestures and more and are editors built using the MakeCode project. In both editors, one can use drag-and-drop blocks or JavaScript to program micro-controllers.
- specifically applies to the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express only
- aims at supporting the Adafruit Express boards (and more boards from different manufacturers), with an emphasis on breadboarding support.
Yes, Maker is open source under MIT at

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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