Now it’s time to put everything together. First up is soldering the wires to the Trinket. It’s important to solder so that you’re soldering on the top of the board allowing for the wires to hang from the bottom. Solder wires to 5V, Pin 0, Pin 2 and Ground. Also be sure to use a thin gauge wire to keep everything neat.
Next you’re going to slide the Trinket into the housing, first by gently pulling the wires thru their channels. Ground is going to be led thru the back channel towards the pot section and the data and 5V wires are going to go thru the opening on the Trinket portion of the housing.
After the Trinket is snuggly in the housing with the wires pulled thru, you’ll solder the wire from the Trinket’s Pin 0 to Data In on the NeoPixel ring and 5V and Ground to the corresponding pads on the ring as well. Similar to the Trinket, be sure to solder the wires to the NeoPixel ring so that they hang down from the back. This eliminates any wire bulk on the sides.
Next up for wiring is the potentiometer. Be sure to use some small heat shrink for the potentiometer’s three leads to avoid any shorting. Solder wires to the NeoPixel ring’s secondary 5V and Ground pads to connect to the potentiometer. Solder the wire from the Trinket’s Pin 2 to the potentiometer’s middle pin. Try to gently pull the potentiometer’s data and 5V wires thru the cable channels for neat cable management.
Test the circuit by plugging in the Trinket. If all has gone well then you should have a nice bright adjustable light that sits snugly on your camera’s lens!
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