“Cyber falls” are a hair fashion accessory you might see in some rave and Burning Man circles. Also great for Halloween! This project steps it up with LED animation using NeoPixel strips.
HEADS UP: Before You Proceed…
Despite its playful appearance, this is a somewhat challenging project. It requires competent soldering and quite a variety of tools, most with the potential for injury. Read through first and decide if it’s really for you. We have plenty of other wearable projects that are less daunting! Young makers should read through with a parent to help decide.
Tools used:
- Soldering iron and associated paraphernalia
- Heat gun (a hair dryer will not work, nor will a lighter)
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Sewing machine and accoutrements
- Scissors, needlenose pliers, wire cutters
- Foam wig head
Materials used:
- NeoPixel LED strips - 30 LED strips use less power, 60 LED strips are glowier!
- Trinket microcontroller and “Small Tin” Perma Proto board
3 x AA battery case w/switch (lasts longer!) OR 3XAAA battery case w/switch (slightly smaller)
- Stranded (not solid) copper wire, 24 to 20 gauge, three different colors
- Clear heat-shrink tube — 1/2" diameter before shrinking
- Tubular crinoline ribbon
- “Do rag” head scarf
- Elastic or fabric ribbon
- Small cable ties
- Craft foam (optional)
Not all of these parts are available from Adafruit…some detective work will be required. Read through the whole guide before committing to anything…maybe you’ll come up with substitutions for a different design or different assembly techniques. This is not a complete step-by-step how-to so much as an idea showcase.
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