First, the libraries are imported.
import time import board import neopixel import touchio import usb_hid from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
Then, the NeoPixels are setup. The four onboard NeoPixels can be accessed with board.NEOPIXEL
# setup for onboard neopixels pixel_pin = board.NEOPIXEL num_pixels = 4 pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin, num_pixels, brightness=0.05, auto_write=False)
The two capacitive touch pads are accessed with board.TOUCH1
and board.TOUCH2
. They're setup as touch inputs with the touchio
# setup for cap touch pads top_touch = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH1) bot_touch = touchio.TouchIn(board.TOUCH2)
is setup as the USB HID keyboard object. Zoom uses the ALT key for a lot of its built-in shortcuts, so alt_key
is setup as a variable to hold Keycode.ALT
# HID keyboard input setup keyboard = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices) keyboard_layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(keyboard) # variable for the ALT key alt_key = Keycode.ALT
The classic rainbow_cycle
NeoPixel animation is included, followed by RED
RGB color values that will be used to show if your inputs are muted or unmuted.
# rainbow cycle animation def wheel(pos): # Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value. # The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r. if pos < 0 or pos > 255: return (0, 0, 0) if pos < 85: return (255 - pos * 3, pos * 3, 0) if pos < 170: pos -= 85 return (0, 255 - pos * 3, pos * 3) pos -= 170 return (pos * 3, 0, 255 - pos * 3) def rainbow_cycle(wait): for j in range(255): for i in range(num_pixels): rc_index = (i * 256 // num_pixels) + j pixels[i] = wheel(rc_index & 255) time.sleep(wait) # variables for colors RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
A few state machines are used in the loop and their functions are commented in the code.
# state machines # cap touch debouncing bot_pressed = False top_pressed = False # default mute states mic_mute = True vid_mute = True # time.monotonic() tracker clock = time.monotonic() # tracking for initiating an exit from the meeting escape = False escape_1 = False escape_2 = False
The loop begins with some debouncing for the cap touch inputs.
while True: # cap touch debouncing if not top_touch.value and top_pressed: top_pressed = False if not bot_touch.value and bot_pressed: bot_pressed = False
The mic_mute
and vid_mute
states affect whether the two corresponding NeoPixels are green or red.
# if your mic is muted... if mic_mute: # neopixels are red pixels[0] = RED pixels[1] = RED # if your camera is muted... if vid_mute: # neopixels are red pixels[2] = RED pixels[3] = RED # if your mic is NOT muted... if not mic_mute: # neopixels are green pixels[0] = GREEN pixels[1] = GREEN # if your camera is NOT muted... if not vid_mute: # neopixels are green pixels[2] = GREEN pixels[3] = GREEN
The escape
state cues the start of the rainbow_cycle
animation when you exit a meeting. It also resets the escape_1
, escape_2
, mic_mute
and vid_mute
states to their defaults.
# if you are leaving the meeting... if escape: # neopixels are rainbow rainbow_cycle(0) # resets exit states escape = False escape_1 = False escape_2 = False mic_mute = True vid_mute = True
When you press the top touch pad, time.monotonic()
is called to begin a time count. This is followed by a delay of 0.12
seconds. This tracks if you are holding the touch input for an exit. Otherwise, the code would go right to muting or unmuting your webcam.
# if you press the top touch cap touch pad... if (top_touch.value and not top_pressed): top_pressed = True # start time count for exit clock = time.monotonic() # slight delay so that you don't automatically mute/unmute # if your intent is to exit time.sleep(0.12)
If you are inputting a long press to trigger an exit from the meeting, the escape_1
state is set to True
, which will begin initiating the exit. This also keeps your webcam's mute status unchanged so that you don't suddenly mute or unmute while you're leaving the meeting.
# if after the delay you're still pressing the cap touch pad... if top_touch.value and top_pressed: print("escape top") # initial escape state is set to true escape_1 = True
If you aren't inputting a long press, then the vid_mute
status will change depending on the previous state and the shortcut for muting/unmuting the video (ALT+V) is sent.
# if you aren't still pressing the cap touch pad... else: # if your camera was muted... if vid_mute: print("top") # your camera is NOT muted vid_mute = False # resets escape state just in case escape_1 = False # if your camera was NOT muted... elif not vid_mute: print("top") # your camera is muted vid_mute = True # resets escape state just in case escape_1 = False # sends camera mute/unmute shortcut keyboard.send(alt_key, Keycode.V)
The same logic is in place for the bottom capacitive touch input, which controls the microphone.
# if you press the top touch cap touch pad... if (bot_touch.value and not bot_pressed): bot_pressed = True # start time count for exit clock = time.monotonic() # slight delay so that you don't automatically mute/unmute # if your intent is to exit time.sleep(0.12) # if after the delay you're still pressing the cap touch pad... if bot_touch.value and bot_pressed: print("escape bot") # initial escape state is set to true escape_2 = True # if you aren't still pressing the cap touch pad... else: # if your mic was muted... if mic_mute: print("bot") # your mic is NOT muted mic_mute = False # resets escape state just in case escape_2 = False # if your mic was NOT muted... elif not mic_mute: print("bot") # your mic is muted mic_mute = True # resets escape state just in case escape_2 = False # sends mic mute/unmute shortcut keyboard.send(alt_key, Keycode.A)
If you hold down both capacitive touch pads at the same time, escape is set to True
after 2 seconds. This delay ensures no accidental exits from the meeting.
Then, the shortcut for exiting a meeting (ALT+Q) is sent, followed by a slight delay before sending the Enter key. Zoom puts up a confirmation window before you leave or end a meeting, so by sending Enter it fully automates your exit.
# if you held down both cap touch pads and 2 seconds has passed... if ((clock + 2) < time.monotonic()) and (escape_1 and escape_2): print("escape") # full escape state is set escape = True # sends exit meeting shortcut keyboard.send(alt_key, Keycode.Q) # brief delay for confirmation window to open time.sleep(0.1) # sends enter to confirm meeting exit keyboard.send(Keycode.ENTER)
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