This project uses a QT Py ESP32-S2 running CircuitPython with a NAU7802 to build a food scale that's the perfect size for holding your pet's dry food. A strain gauge is used to measure the weight of a food container on top of the 3D printed platform. It makes for a fun way to see your pet's food consumption over time.
Alphanumeric displays show the current weight in either ounces or grams. They also act as a GUI when calibrating the scale.
Two LED buttons let you interact with the code and help you visualize what is happening during calibration.
By calibrating the NAU7802 properly, you can get some accurate measurements for the items that you're trying to weigh. If your project needs extremely accurate measurements for weight though, then this method might not be a good fit since your readings may be within a small margin of error.

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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