It's my son's fault, really. He came to me one day with a YouTube video of someone who modified a Nerf gun to make it fire faster. "Dad, can we make this?"
And, here we are!
Of course, I had to take it to the next level. Not only did we increase the firing speed, we added a bunch of NeoPixels to make it look cool at night, and gave the firing motor several speeds. But, like the "turbo" button on the early PC's, who would ever use it in non-turbo mode?
This particular Nerf gun, the Elite Rapidstrike CD-18 Blaster was purchased online, because it is hard to source at our local Target store. I'm not sure if they are still in production, so fire up your favorite search engine and see what you can find!
Also, stock up on the extended magazine and a couple of hundred darts. You are going to go through them rather quickly!
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