MUNNY DIY is a designer toy figure designed to be modified. So, instead of simply painting him to change his appearance, let's fill him with electronics so he can glow all the colors of the rainbow at the touch of a wireless button!
We'll use the Adafruit Prop-Maker Wing paired with a Feather M0 Bluefruit LE board to drive a 3W RGB LED. Communications will come from the free Adafruit Bluefruit Connect app on your iOS or Android device!
You'll need to get a plain white urban vinyl toy, such as our good friend MUNNY from Kid Robot. For this guide I used the 7" version. You could use the smaller 4" version, but you would need to leave some of the parts outside the guy!
A quick search for the term blank vinyl figure yields all sorts of fun figures that would look great filled with colored light!
The only tool required to operate on your vinyl figure is a hobby knife. Optionally, a heat gun or hair dryer will allow you to soften the vinyl and make it much easier to cut.
For the circuit, you'll need a soldering iron and solder, wire cutters, and wire strippers.
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