This example brings together LEDs, button input, and a servo all operating at the same time without interfering with one another.
When you press the button it will switch to blinking the opposite pair of LEDs by swapping the dictionaries into and out of the BLINK_LIST
using the pop()
and append()
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 FoamyGuy for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ This example script shows the usage of servos, LEDs, and buttons all used simultaneously without interrupting each other. """ import time import board import digitalio import neopixel import pwmio from adafruit_motor import servo from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull btn = DigitalInOut(board.SWITCH) btn.direction = Direction.INPUT btn.pull = Pull.UP prev_state = btn.value pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1) pixels[0] = (0, 0, 0) BLINK_LIST = [ { "ON": 0.5, "OFF": 0.5, "PREV_TIME": -1, "PIN": board.D5, }, { "ON": 0.5, "OFF": 0.5, "PREV_TIME": -1, "PIN": board.D6, }, { "ON": 0.5, "OFF": 0.5, "PREV_TIME": -1, "PIN": board.D9, }, { "ON": 0.5, "OFF": 0.5, "PREV_TIME": -1, "PIN": board.D10, } ] SERVO_LIST = [ { "MAX_ANGLE": 180, "MIN_ANGLE": 0, "PREV_TIME": -1, "PIN": board.A1, "DELAY_BETWEEN": 0.05, "SERVO": None, "MOVE_BY": 5 }, { "MAX_ANGLE": 90, "MIN_ANGLE": 0, "PREV_TIME": -1, "PIN": board.A3, "DELAY_BETWEEN": 0.02, "SERVO": None, "MOVE_BY": 2 } ] for cur_servo in SERVO_LIST: pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(cur_servo["PIN"], duty_cycle=2 ** 15, frequency=50) # Create a servo object. cur_servo["SERVO"] = servo.Servo(pwm) for led in BLINK_LIST: led["PIN"] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(led["PIN"]) led["PIN"].direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT disabled_leds = [] # temporarily remove first two from the blink list disabled_leds.append(BLINK_LIST.pop(0)) disabled_leds.append(BLINK_LIST.pop(0)) while True: # Store the current time to refer to later. now = time.monotonic() cur_state = btn.value if cur_state != prev_state: if not cur_state: print("BTN is down") # swap the LED Blink patterns to the opposite pairs of LEDs temp = [] temp.append(BLINK_LIST.pop(0)) temp.append(BLINK_LIST.pop(0)) BLINK_LIST.append(disabled_leds.pop(0)) BLINK_LIST.append(disabled_leds.pop(0)) disabled_leds.append(temp.pop(0)) disabled_leds.append(temp.pop(0)) else: print("BTN is up") prev_state = cur_state for led in BLINK_LIST: if led["PIN"].value is False: if now >= led["PREV_TIME"] + led["OFF"]: led["PREV_TIME"] = now led["PIN"].value = True if led["PIN"].value is True: if now >= led["PREV_TIME"] + led["ON"]: led["PREV_TIME"] = now led["PIN"].value = False for servo in SERVO_LIST: if now >= servo["PREV_TIME"] + servo["DELAY_BETWEEN"]: try: servo["SERVO"].angle += servo["MOVE_BY"] except ValueError as e: if servo["MOVE_BY"] > 0: servo["SERVO"].angle = servo["MAX_ANGLE"] else: servo["SERVO"].angle = servo["MIN_ANGLE"] if servo["SERVO"].angle >= servo["MAX_ANGLE"] or \ servo["SERVO"].angle <= servo["MIN_ANGLE"]: servo["MOVE_BY"] = -servo["MOVE_BY"] servo["PREV_TIME"] = now
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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