Some of the CircuitPython compatible boards come with CircuitPython installed. Others are CircuitPython-ready, but need to have it installed.
If you're using a Feather M0 RFM9x, you'll need to install CircuitPython on your board.
We'll need to install a few CircuitPython libraries on the Feather. To download them all at once, download the CircuitPython Library bundle.
- Don't have the latest CircuitPython Bundle installed? Click here to navigate a guide which will explain the process of downloading and installing the bundle
Once the bundle is downloaded and unzipped, drag and drop the following files over to the CIRCUITPY drive lib folder:
If you're building a LoRa Device for communicating with Adafruit IO, you'll need the following libraries:
- adafruit_rfm9x
- adafruit_bme280
- adafruit_bus_device
If you're building a LoRaWAN Device for communicating with TheThingsNetwork, you'll need the following libraries:
- adafruit_tinylora
- adafruit_bme280
- adafruit_bus_device
After the libraries are dragged over to the lib folder, we'll move on to setting up the Raspberry Pi to act as a gateway.
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