Solder It!
The first step is to solder the kit together. If you've never soldered before, check the Preparation page for tutorials and more.Make sure you have all the tools you'll need to assemble the kit.
If you don't know how to solder, we suggest checking out the videos in the link above. They're quite good! Keep them in a window so you can watch and review as you work through the kit
Resistors are non-polar which means they don't have a direction: you don't have to worry about putting it in 'backwards' because they work the same either way
The resistor sits flat right up against the PCB and the leads hold it in place when bent
Now you'll solder! Place the flat of the soldering iron tip against the silver ring (pad) and one of the wires of the resistor (lead) at the same time for 2 seconds. This will heat them both up to 600-700 degrees. Then poke the end of the solder so that it flows into the hole and forms a solder joint.
They go three in a row all next to each other. Again, the colors are red red red and they are non-polar so they can go in 'either way'
These resistors have the yellow violet black color stripes. There's quite a few so we're going to do half at a time. Start by placing these four.
Zener Diodes are directional! So you should pay attention to make sure you place them correctly. The Diodes have a little black mark at one end.
Electrolytic capacitors are polarized and must be placed correctly or the circuit will not work. Each capacitor has a side with a stripe on it, here its a white stripe with a big - symbol on it. This is the negative (-) side. This goes in the hole that isn't marked with a +
In this case we use three transistors to control the Red Green and Blue colors of the 8 LEDs all at once. Since they have to drive 8 LEDs at once, you can't do it from a plain microcontroller pin - they're weaklings. These transistors amplify the signal over 100x so they are plenty strong to handle 8 LEDs.
The potentiometer is the blue thing that goes near the top middle of the PCB. It can only fit on one way to match the silkdscreen
The crystal oscillator goes in between the sets of resistors near the bottom, its orange and has three legs. It is symmetric so you can put it in 'either way'
The silkscreen underneath the socket has a little notch in it. The socket also has a notch! so make sure that the notch in the socket lines up with the silkscreen. In the photo to the left, the notch is on the left side
Put the two wires into the large pads in the top right corner so that the red wire and black wire are in the right holes
You do not need to clip the leads, they are quite short!
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