To configure your UNTZtrument, you can launch the Audio MIDI Setup app by searching for it in Finder. It usually likes to reside in the ~/HD/Applications/Utilities directory. Once launched, go to the top menu and select Window > Show MIDI Window.
You should see the TeeOnArdu MIDI object listed in the MIDI studio window. Double click it to see MIDI Ports and rename, change icon/color, etc if you'd like.
Mini UNTZtrument Device Icon
You can add a custom mini UNTZtrument icon to your software stuffs. To add the icon to the OSX Midi window, simply drop the PNG icon to the following directory. You'll need to enter your password to set the proper permission. ~/HD/Library/Audio/MIDI Devices/Generic/Images
Using with iOS Devices
The USB Camera Kit adapter allows you to use the UNTZtrument with any MIDI enabled iOS App. Just plug it in, a wait second and discard the dialog pop up. You may need to enable omni mode in your iOS app in order for UNTZtrument to control MIDI.
Controlling Analog MIDI Synths
Analog MIDI synths that use MIDI cables can be controlled with the UNTZtrument using a MIDI to USB interface. Using an old school MIDI cable, you can connect the midi input of your analog synth to the output of the Midi to USB interface. Once configured and connect, UNTZtrument will act like any other USB classic MIDI device.
Page last edited July 28, 2014
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