The plain relay uses a single pin for control. When the signal pin is floating or pulled low, the relay is 'open' or unset. When the signal pin is pulled high, the relay switches closed/set. A red LED next to the pin will let you know that the signal is high. You will need to solder a wire from this pin to whatever control pin you like using a wire
The latching relay uses two pins for control. There is no way to know which 'orientation' the relay is when the Feather turns on, because the relay will latch in the last position it was set to.
When the SET pin is pulled high for 10 milliseconds, the relay switches closed/set. A green LED next to the pin will let you know that the SET signal is high.
When the UNSET pin is pulled high for 10 milliseconds, the relay switches opens/unset. A red LED next to the pin will let you know that the UNSET signal is high.
You will need to solder wires from the SET & UNSET pads to whatever control pins you like using wires
Both Wings have the same output, a 3-pin 3.5mm terminal block. The COM pin is what you should connect the signal you're planning to switch. If the relay is unset, the NC pin (Normally Connected) is mechanically connected to COM. NO (Normally Open) is mechanically disconnected.
When the relay is set, NC becomes disconnected from COM and NO is connected to COM
There is a Reset button on both Wings, this is connected to the RST pin and will short it to ground. It is not connected to the relay at all, its handy for restarting your Feather
Page last edited March 30, 2016
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