Text Editor
Adafruit recommends using the Mu editor for editing your CircuitPython code. You can get more info in this guide.
Alternatively, you can use any text editor that saves simple text files.
Download the Project Bundle
Your project will use a specific set of CircuitPython libraries and the code.py file, along with a folder full of key configuration files. To get everything you need, click on the Download Project Bundle link below, and uncompress the .zip file.
Drag the contents of the uncompressed bundle directory onto your MACROPAD board's CIRCUITPY drive, replacing any existing files or directories with the same names, and adding any new ones that are necessary.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 John Park for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Minecraft Turbopad for Adafruit Macropad RP2040 import time import displayio import terminalio from adafruit_display_text import bitmap_label as label from adafruit_displayio_layout.layouts.grid_layout import GridLayout from adafruit_macropad import MacroPad macropad = MacroPad() # --- Variable setup for action types KEEB = 0 MEDIA = 1 MOUSE = 2 KBMOUSE = 3 COMMAND = 4 KEY_MOMENT = 0 # momentary press/release keys KEY_HOLD = 1 # toggle keys # --- LED colors GREEN = 0x00ff00 RED = 0xff0000 MAGENTA = 0xff0033 YELLOW = 0xffdd00 AQUA = 0x00ffff LATCH_COLOR = YELLOW # --- Key mappings # (<key>): (<color>, <action type>, <key hold>, <keycodes>, <"text">, <enter>) keymap = { (0): (AQUA, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "gamemode creative", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (1): (AQUA, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "gamemode survival", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (2): (AQUA, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "say Dinner Time!", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (3): (AQUA, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "time set day", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (4): (AQUA, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "time set night", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (5): (AQUA, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "kill", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (6): (GREEN, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "weather clear", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (7): (GREEN, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "weather rain", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (8): (GREEN, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "weather thunder", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (9): (RED, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "summon minecraft:bee", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), (10): (RED, KBMOUSE, KEY_HOLD, [macropad.Keycode.W], [macropad.Mouse.LEFT_BUTTON]), (11): (RED, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH], "playsound minecraft:block.bell.use ambient @a ~ ~ ~", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER]), } latched = [False] * 12 # list of the latched states, all off to start last_knob_pos = macropad.encoder # store knob position state # --- Pixel setup --- # macropad.pixels.brightness = 0.1 for i in range(12): macropad.pixels[i] = (keymap[i][0]) main_group = displayio.Group() macropad.display.root_group = main_group title = label.Label( y=4, font=terminalio.FONT, color=0x0, text=" -Minecraft Turbopad- ", background_color=0xFFFFFF, ) layout = GridLayout(x=0, y=13, width=128, height=54, grid_size=(3, 4), cell_padding=5) label_text = [ "CREATE", "SURVIV", "SAY", "DAY", "NIGHT", "KILL", "CLEAR", "RAIN", "THUNDR", "BEE", "MINE", "SOUND", ] labels = [] for j in range(12): labels.append(label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=label_text[j])) for index in range(12): x = index % 3 y = index // 3 layout.add_content(labels[index], grid_position=(x, y), cell_size=(1, 1)) main_group.append(title) main_group.append(layout) while True: key_event = macropad.keys.events.get() # check for key press or release if key_event: if key_event.pressed: key = key_event.key_number labels[key].color = 0x0 labels[key].background_color = 0xffffff if keymap[key][1] == KEEB: if keymap[key][2] == KEY_HOLD: macropad.keyboard.press(*keymap[key][3]) # * expands the variable to list else: macropad.keyboard.send(*keymap[key][3]) elif keymap[key][1] == MOUSE: macropad.mouse.click(*keymap[key][3]) elif keymap[key][1] == KBMOUSE: if keymap[key][2] == KEY_HOLD: if latched[key] is False: macropad.keyboard.press(*keymap[key][3]) time.sleep(0.01) macropad.mouse.press(*keymap[key][4]) latched[key] = True else: macropad.keyboard.release(*keymap[key][3]) time.sleep(0.01) macropad.mouse.release_all() latched[key] = False elif keymap[key][1] == COMMAND: macropad.keyboard.send(*keymap[key][3]) time.sleep(0.1) macropad.keyboard_layout.write(keymap[key][4]) time.sleep(0.1) macropad.keyboard.send(*keymap[key][5]) time.sleep(0.1) macropad.pixels[key] = LATCH_COLOR if key_event.released: key = key_event.key_number if keymap[key][1] == KEEB: if keymap[key][2] == KEY_HOLD: macropad.keyboard.release(*keymap[key][3]) if latched[key] is False: macropad.pixels[key] = (keymap[key][0]) labels[key].color = 0xffffff labels[key].background_color = 0x0 current_knob_position = macropad.encoder if macropad.encoder > last_knob_pos: macropad.mouse.move(wheel=-1) last_knob_pos = current_knob_position if macropad.encoder < last_knob_pos: macropad.mouse.move(wheel=+1) last_knob_pos = current_knob_position
Use It
The Minecraft Turbopad acts just like a regular USB keyboard, so you don't need to do anything tricky to enable it -- in fact, just fire up Minecraft and start using it once you're playing! Press a key and the command will run, just like that!
Here's a video of it in action:
Customize the Commands
You can switch out the commands to any that you prefer! Here's a pretty comprehensive list for reference.
The keymap
dictionary contains all of the commands, per key. For example:
(0): (AQUA, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH],
"gamemode creative", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER])
That is the first entry, so it it triggered by the first (upper left) key on the Macropad. When pressed it will type out /gamemode creative
. If you wanted to change this to switch you into adventure mode, the line would look like this:
(0): (AQUA, COMMAND, KEY_MOMENT, [macropad.Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH],
"gamemode adventure", [macropad.Keycode.ENTER])
Display Labels
When you customize your key commands, you'll want to update the display labels to match. This code is the list you'll need to change, simply swap in different text -- just keep it short and sweet so it fits on screen!
label_text = [ "CREATE", "SURVIV", "SAY", "DAY", "NIGHT", "KILL", "CLEAR", "RAIN", "THUNDR", "BEE", "MINE", "SOUND", ]
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