Solder pin headers to the Feather M4 Express and the Music Maker FeatherWing. Additionally, solder the MIDI jumper closed on the back of the Music Maker FeatherWing. This puts the Music Maker FeatherWing into MIDI mode as described in the product guide.
Solder socket headers to the FeatherWing Doubler. You can use the Feather M4 Express and Music Maker FeatherWing as a soldering jig to keep the headers aligned.
Place the FeatherWing Doubler on the 3D printed acrylic support. It will eventually be mounted there.
Solder the lasers' ground and power from the switch to the FeatherWing Doubler.
Solder these wires to the TCA9548A:
- Doubler 3.3V to VIN
- Doubler GND to GND
- Doubler SCL to SCL
- Doubler SDA to SDA
Slip a piece of heat shrink onto the STEMMA ground and power wires. Solder one of the 165 mm long pieces of wire to STEMMA ground. Solder the second 165 mm piece of wire to STEMMA power.
And that completes the assembly for the laser harp!
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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