Small TFT displays are a great way to add graphics to your projects. These are like tiny little LCD monitors that you can drive with a simple SPI serial interface. You can even use these displays in CircuitPython and MicroPython using a module from Adafruit! This module allows you to do basic drawing like putting pixels and filling rectangles on TFT displays like the TFT FeatherWing. You can start to explore a fun world of Python and graphical TFT displays!
This guide explores how to use ILI9341/ILI9340 TFT displays with CircuitPython and MicroPython. Note that right now drawing support for these displays is limited to basic pixel and rectangle drawing commands. You can use another library to draw basic graphics or to draw text. In addition the touchscreens commonly found on these small TFT displays are not currently supported by the Python module. In the future a touchscreen module might be available, but for now these displays are only for viewing graphics.
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