For this guide there's no special hardware you need to draw text on a display. However you do need to have a pixel-based display of some sort (LED, TFT, NeoPixel--anything!) connected to your MicroPython board. Check out the following guides for details on how to use a few pixel displays with MicroPython:
- MicroPython Hardware: LED Backpacks & FeatherWings
- MicroPython Hardware: Charlieplex LED Matrix
- MicroPython Hardware: SSD1306 OLED Display (note the OLED display already has a font rendering function, but you can use this guide and its font rendering too!)
- MicroPython Hardware: ILI9341 TFT & FeatherWing
Follow the appropriate guide to setup the hardware and make sure you can draw pixels on the display with MicroPython before continuing.
Page last edited November 10, 2016
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