If all is well, you can use your transmitter micro:bit (with battery pack) and you can press the A and B buttons and have A and B appear on the screen.
What is happening at the receiver end?
When the micro:bit + Crickit get the button A press, it moves the servo motor. One press moves it to 100 degrees, another press moves it back to zero.
For button B, one press lights the NeoPixel LED strip to a rainbow of colors, a second press turns it off.
Congratulations, you're using radio control!
Next Steps
Now that you have solid examples of a transmitter and receiver, what would you like to build? A radio-controlled robot? Mood lights for your room?
You can review the numerous examples of Crickit projects in the Adafruit Learning System to get ideas for Crickit-based projects. Don't worry if they use CircuitPython, you can come back to MakeCode and look to implement your own version. Have fun!
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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