Angled shot of a BBC micro:bit.
The British Invasion is here! No, not music...microcontrollers! New to the USA is the newest and easiest way to learn programming and electronics - the BBC...
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Top down view of a BBC micro:bit. "HELLO" scrolling through the display.
Discontinued - you can grab micro:bit v2 Go Bundle - Batteries and USB Cable Included instead! The British...
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Close up head of CdS light sensor showing sensor element
CdS cells are little light sensors. As the squiggly face is exposed to more light, the resistance goes down. When it's light, the resistance is about ~1KΩ, when dark it goes...
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Group of Small Alligator Clip to Male Jumper Wires
When working with unusual non-header-friendly surfaces, these handy cables will be your best friends! No longer will you have long, cumbersome strands of alligator clips. These...
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Bundle of Small Alligator Clip Test Leads
Connect this to that without soldering using these handy mini alligator clip test leads. 15" cables with alligator clip on each end, color coded. You get 12 pieces in 6 colors....
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