Once you've finished setting up your MEMENTO with CircuitPython, you can access the code and necessary libraries by downloading the Project Bundle.
To do this, click on the Download Project Bundle button in the window below. It will download to your computer as a zipped folder.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Jeff Epler for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense import time import board import bitmaptools import displayio import gifio import ulab.numpy as np from adafruit_debouncer import Button import adafruit_pycamera from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull pycam = adafruit_pycamera.PyCamera() # pycam.live_preview_mode() settings = (None, "resolution", "effect", "mode", "led_level", "led_color") curr_setting = 0 pin = DigitalInOut(board.A0) pin.direction = Direction.INPUT pin.pull = Pull.UP ext_button = Button(pin, long_duration_ms=1000) print("Starting!") # pycam.tone(200, 0.1) last_frame = displayio.Bitmap(pycam.camera.width, pycam.camera.height, 65535) onionskin = displayio.Bitmap(pycam.camera.width, pycam.camera.height, 65535) while True: if pycam.mode_text == "STOP" and pycam.stop_motion_frame != 0: # alpha blend new_frame = pycam.continuous_capture() bitmaptools.alphablend( onionskin, last_frame, new_frame, displayio.Colorspace.RGB565_SWAPPED ) pycam.blit(onionskin) elif pycam.mode_text == "GBOY": bitmaptools.dither( last_frame, pycam.continuous_capture(), displayio.Colorspace.RGB565_SWAPPED ) pycam.blit(last_frame) else: pycam.blit(pycam.continuous_capture()) # print("\t\t", capture_time, blit_time) pycam.keys_debounce() ext_button.update() # test shutter button if pycam.shutter.long_press or ext_button.long_press: print("FOCUS") print(pycam.autofocus_status) pycam.autofocus() print(pycam.autofocus_status) if pycam.shutter.short_count or ext_button.short_count: print("Shutter released") if pycam.mode_text == "STOP": pycam.capture_into_bitmap(last_frame) pycam.stop_motion_frame += 1 try: pycam.display_message("Snap!", color=0x0000FF) pycam.capture_jpeg() except TypeError as e: pycam.display_message("Failed", color=0xFF0000) time.sleep(0.5) except RuntimeError as e: pycam.display_message("Error\nNo SD Card", color=0xFF0000) time.sleep(0.5) pycam.live_preview_mode() if pycam.mode_text == "GBOY": try: f = pycam.open_next_image("gif") except RuntimeError as e: pycam.display_message("Error\nNo SD Card", color=0xFF0000) time.sleep(0.5) continue with gifio.GifWriter( f, pycam.camera.width, pycam.camera.height, displayio.Colorspace.RGB565_SWAPPED, dither=True, ) as g: g.add_frame(last_frame, 1) if pycam.mode_text == "GIF": try: f = pycam.open_next_image("gif") except RuntimeError as e: pycam.display_message("Error\nNo SD Card", color=0xFF0000) time.sleep(0.5) continue i = 0 ft = [] pycam._mode_label.text = "RECORDING" # pylint: disable=protected-access pycam.display.refresh() with gifio.GifWriter( f, pycam.camera.width, pycam.camera.height, displayio.Colorspace.RGB565_SWAPPED, dither=True, ) as g: t00 = t0 = time.monotonic() while (i < 15) or not pycam.shutter_button.value: i += 1 _gifframe = pycam.continuous_capture() g.add_frame(_gifframe, 0.12) pycam.blit(_gifframe) t1 = time.monotonic() ft.append(1 / (t1 - t0)) print(end=".") t0 = t1 pycam._mode_label.text = "GIF" # pylint: disable=protected-access print(f"\nfinal size {f.tell()} for {i} frames") print(f"average framerate {i/(t1-t00)}fps") print(f"best {max(ft)} worst {min(ft)} std. deviation {np.std(ft)}") f.close() pycam.display.refresh() if pycam.mode_text == "JPEG": pycam.tone(200, 0.1) try: pycam.display_message("Snap!", color=0x0000FF) pycam.capture_jpeg() pycam.live_preview_mode() except TypeError as e: pycam.display_message("Failed", color=0xFF0000) time.sleep(0.5) pycam.live_preview_mode() except RuntimeError as e: pycam.display_message("Error\nNo SD Card", color=0xFF0000) time.sleep(0.5) if pycam.card_detect.fell: print("SD card removed") pycam.unmount_sd_card() pycam.display.refresh() if pycam.card_detect.rose: print("SD card inserted") pycam.display_message("Mounting\nSD Card", color=0xFFFFFF) for _ in range(3): try: print("Mounting card") pycam.mount_sd_card() print("Success!") break except OSError as e: print("Retrying!", e) time.sleep(0.5) else: pycam.display_message("SD Card\nFailed!", color=0xFF0000) time.sleep(0.5) pycam.display.refresh() if pycam.up.fell: print("UP") key = settings[curr_setting] if key: setattr(pycam, key, getattr(pycam, key) + 1) if pycam.down.fell: print("DN") key = settings[curr_setting] if key: setattr(pycam, key, getattr(pycam, key) - 1) if pycam.left.fell: print("LF") curr_setting = (curr_setting + 1) % len(settings) print(settings[curr_setting]) # new_res = min(len(pycam.resolutions)-1, pycam.get_resolution()+1) # pycam.set_resolution(pycam.resolutions[new_res]) pycam.select_setting(settings[curr_setting]) if pycam.right.fell: print("RT") curr_setting = (curr_setting - 1 + len(settings)) % len(settings) print(settings[curr_setting]) pycam.select_setting(settings[curr_setting]) # new_res = max(1, pycam.get_resolution()-1) # pycam.set_resolution(pycam.resolutions[new_res]) if pycam.select.fell: print("SEL") if pycam.ok.fell: print("OK")
Upload the Code and Libraries to the MEMENTO
After downloading the Project Bundle, plug your MEMENTO into the computer's USB port with a known good USB data+power cable. You should see a new flash drive appear in the computer's File Explorer or Finder (depending on your operating system) called CIRCUITPY. Unzip the folder and copy the following items to the MEMENTO's CIRCUITPY drive.
- lib folder
- code.py
Your MEMENTO CIRCUITPY drive should look like this after copying the lib folder and the code.py file.
How the CircuitPython Code Works
The code consists of the Fancy Camera example from the PyCamera library written by Jeff Epler with some minor modifications to add in the external shutter button. The A0
pin is instantiated as an input and passed as a Button
object with a long_press
interval of one second.
pin = DigitalInOut(board.A0) pin.direction = Direction.INPUT pin.pull = Pull.UP ext_button = Button(pin, long_duration_ms=1000)
In the loop, the ext_button
is checked for either a long or short press alongside the shutter button on the MEMENTO. A short press takes a photo and a long press focuses.
pycam.keys_debounce() ext_button.update() # test shutter button if pycam.shutter.long_press or ext_button.long_press: print("FOCUS") print(pycam.autofocus_status) pycam.autofocus() print(pycam.autofocus_status) if pycam.shutter.short_count or ext_button.short_count:
Otherwise, the code is identical to the Fancy Camera example, leaving all of the excellent functionality in place.
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