Now that you can measure the temperature, you could do other things with it like displaying a message when the temperature exceeds some limit.
You could also use the project as a temperature logger, using Python to write the readings to a file, each accompanied by a time stamp. If the temperatures are written one per line, with a comma between the time and the reading, then you will be able to import it directly into a spreadsheet and produce charts from the data.
You could also use the project as a temperature logger, using Python to write the readings to a file, each accompanied by a time stamp. If the temperatures are written one per line, with a comma between the time and the reading, then you will be able to import it directly into a spreadsheet and produce charts from the data.
About the Author.
As well as contributing lots of tutorials about Raspberry Pi, Arduino and now BeagleBone Black, Simon Monk writes books about open source hardware. You will find his books for sale here at Adafruit.
As well as contributing lots of tutorials about Raspberry Pi, Arduino and now BeagleBone Black, Simon Monk writes books about open source hardware. You will find his books for sale here at Adafruit.
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