Open Gingerbread by going to in your modern web browser. You'll see a screen like the one below.
There are three example designs you can look at to see how Gingerbread does its thing. You can also download the associated .afdesign files and look at how they were created in Affinity Designer 2.
Open your SVG
In your file application (Windows, for example, would be File Explorer), open up the directory containing your SVG file made with Affinity Designer 2. Drag the SVG file to the blank area below the existing examples.
If Gingerbread parses the SVG file as valid, you will have a screen similar to the one below. If it doesn't work, check the settings used to export from Affinity Designer 2 from the previous page.
You can toggle the layers on and off in the lower right. You can change the color of the solder mask and silk layers for better viewing.
Use the view to make sure all the layers are the way you want. You can separate the layers and view the back with the black buttons at the bottom of the frame.
As an example of the warning above, you can use any colors you wish in Gingerbread, but for the OSH Park normal service, the Solder Mask color is purple and the silkscreens are white. You can change to their Black PCB service "After Dark", but that only provides a Black solder mask.
Other PCB fabricators, such as JCLPCB and PCBWay, may have more flexible options. Be on the lookout.
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