I'll slide this page here: The design on the previous page did not work when fabricated.
As I mentioned in the part about choosing silkscreen colors, each factory has their own design criteria. I have seen PCB art designs with sharp edges so I didn't have many worries about "the meatball" with the points of the swoosh exposed.
But I chose JLCPCB for this fabrication as they offer blue soldermask with white silkscreen. But their minimum size for parts of the board are 5mm. The points were too small and they could not guarantee they would not break in manufacturing.
It was decided to make an outside diameter to encompass the points and a hole at the top of that so it could be worn as a pendant if desired.
These changes were made in the KiCad footprint editor rather than in Affinity Designer 2 and Gingerbread.
How I Did It
In the Footprint editor, I clicked the Edge.Cuts layer. The layer has the outline of the Meatball logo with points. I changed that to Silkscreen to have a white line around the logo.
I then used the circle tool to make a new Edge.Cuts object to be a circle encompassing all pointy elements.
A hole was added at the top with a test point footprint widened a bit to over a millimeter for a loop, if desired.
Use the 3D viewer in KiCad View->3D Viewer (or Alt+3) to see how it looks (below).
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