To export the file from the native .afdesign format to an SVG file for Gingerbread, go to the File menu and click the Export option.
At the top of the dialog box of options, select SVG.
The current Gingerbread site has a picture of the export settings for a previous version of Affinity Designer. The current version is Affinity Designer 2 (or higher) and the menu changed.
The settings below map to the ones Gingerbread wants. If the Raster DPI is blank, do not set it using the dropdown. Manually type in 2540.
Once all the settings are correct, click the Export button in the lower right to save the file as an SVG file. This is the file you will drag and drop in the Gingerbread application (note: not the .afdesign file, Gingerbread only takes especially formatted SVG files).
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