The PyPortal is the perfect device to interact with internet of things (IoT) projects. Perfect when you need something that's a bit more than a few buttons on a microcontroller, but a computer or smartphone app would be too much. So you need some sort of simple user interface that can handle buttons, lots of text, icons, and even a few views.
In this guide we will cover a few steps that will make it easy to build a small User Interface in CircuitPython, the easy to use Python implementation for microcontrollers and single board computers (SBC). You may do things like:
- How to change the display orientation.
- Using Groups like windows that can be turned on or off.
- Creating image placeholders that let you easily change the background and icons.
- Display dynamic text with word wrapping.
- Create buttons for navigation and in unique windows.

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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