Starting the MakeCode Arcade web application
On your computer, start the Chrome browser. Navigate to the website You should see the following opening screen:
To start a new project, you click the New Project box which has a white circle with a purple + inside (circled in red below):
You'll get the following screen which is where you can start coding:
The screen is divided into several areas.
- The grey gaming device simulator - used to test your code on a software simulated game board.
- Code Block Groups - code blocks are grouped into various groups and color coded to make them easier to know to which group they belong.
- On Start code block - this is added for every new project - you may or may not need it, it is only put up as a possible starting point.
- Code Block Area - where you drag blocks from the Code Block Groups to make your program.
- Filename Save - when you are ready to save your code to your computer file storage, name the file here and press the floppy disk Save icon.
- Download Button - download the code to a Microsoft MakeCode Arcade-compatible board.
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