The Past
Before the advent of computers, all data was written in notebooks. One of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks, above, is an example, as are the notebooks by the great scientists of the past.
The Present
While observation by eye is still used today, more often than not we automate readings by electronics. In any given day, billions of sensors worldwide take readings of heat, light, wind, etc. But where does that data go?
The Spreadsheet
To record and analyze readings, it is easiest for most folks to use a spreadsheet. Available on all computer platforms, a spreadsheet is one of the first programs people learn. And, the analytical capabilities (re. plotting/graphing) are excellent.
This guide will quickly allow you to learn about placing data readings directly into the spreadsheet of your choice, A Circuit Playground Express and it's multitude of sensors, will log data to a spreadsheet and an Android phone.

For the plant monitoring example - there is an all-in-one kit or if you already have an Circuit Playground Express, add alligator clips:


Or a standard USB OTG cable adapter

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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