Before you use Bluefruit with Google Glass, the keys should be remapped to function keys to control Glass. We can use arrow keys to navigate items. Use ESC key to cancel and RETURN to select. Also we can use snapshot key to take a picture. Support for the snapshot report (and other consumer reports) is added in v1.2 but you can use regular keys in v1.0 or v1.1
You can use the graphical remapping sketch to map each key.
You can use the graphical remapping sketch to map each key.
You can select input type, key type and key. In this case, it is "KEYBOARD","SYMBOL&FUNC" and "LEFTARROW". Then you click "ADD_KEY" button to add it.
Before you upload this mapping to Bluefruit. Make sure Bluefruit is paired to the computer you are using. You can press "SEND_MAP" to upload mapping. If you see "Key mapping sent successfully", you can hold the button on Bluefruit to unpair it with computer.
Now it is ready for Google Glass.
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