OK, here's our first example which uses button presses to wake from sleep.
The MagTag has four buttons on the front. They are wired to the MagTag in such a way that their associated pins read as follows:
= not pressed -
= pressed
So we want to configure a pin alarm that triggers when its value is False
so it goes off when a button is pressed.
We can actually have more than one alarm. So one idea would be to wake up when any of the buttons are pressed. However, for technical reasons, we are limited to a maximum of two LOW pin alarms. So we just pick any two buttons - like the two on the left.
These are the lines of code that set up the pin alarms:
# set up pin alarms buttons = (board.BUTTON_A, board.BUTTON_B) # pick any two pin_alarms = [alarm.pin.PinAlarm(pin=pin, value=False, pull=True) for pin in buttons]
Sleep Memory
The MagTag's EPD (eInk Display) will always be showing one of two indications. If the current indication is what you want, there's no need to do anything. When a button is pressed and it wakes up, we want the MagTag to show the other indication. But when it wakes up, how does the MagTag know what the current indication is? It doesn't.
To get around this we can use the sleep_memory
feature of the alarm module. This is general purpose memory that persists between sleep cycles. So we store a simple toggle value there that we change each time we wake up. Then we base the current indication on this toggle value.
That's what this line of code does:
# toggle saved state alarm.sleep_memory[0] = not alarm.sleep_memory[0]
More information on sleep memory here:
Here's the code. Download this and save it as code.py into your CIRCUITPY folder so it will run automatically. If you click Download: Project Zip, you will get a zip file with the bitmap images used in the guide also.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import board import alarm import displayio # get the display epd = board.DISPLAY epd.rotation = 270 # set up pin alarms buttons = (board.BUTTON_A, board.BUTTON_B) # pick any two pin_alarms = [alarm.pin.PinAlarm(pin=pin, value=False, pull=True) for pin in buttons] # toggle saved state alarm.sleep_memory[0] = not alarm.sleep_memory[0] # set bitmap bmp_file = "/images/clean.bmp" if alarm.sleep_memory[0] else "/images/dirty.bmp" # show bitmap # CircuitPython 6 & 7 compatible with open(bmp_file, "rb") as fp: bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(fp) tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid( bitmap, pixel_shader=getattr(bitmap, 'pixel_shader', displayio.ColorConverter()) ) group = displayio.Group() group.append(tile_grid) epd.root_group = group time.sleep(epd.time_to_refresh + 0.01) epd.refresh() while epd.busy: pass # # CircuitPython 7+ compatible # bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(bmp_file) # tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=bitmap.pixel_shader) # group = displayio.Group() # group.append(tile_grid) # epd.root_group = group # time.sleep(epd.time_to_refresh + 0.01) # epd.refresh() # while epd.busy: # pass # go to sleep alarm.exit_and_deep_sleep_until_alarms(*pin_alarms)
Page last edited January 19, 2025
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