This project was inspired by this tweet from @kevcody. They used an Adafruit MagTag to help with Modern Problem #4836:
There are dishes in the dishwasher, but has it been run yet? Are the ones in there dirty or clean?
This is an excellent use of the MagTag's EPD display. By displaying either DIRTY or CLEAN, the current state of the dishwasher is known. In their approach, they used the MagTag's button to change the indication - with nice little icons to let you know button function.
We thought this idea would make a good example for using pin alarms in conjunction with deep sleep, which are new features recently added to CircuitPython. Instead of looping forever reading button state and consuming power, we can instead go to sleep and only wake up when needed. This will let your MagTag run for days, or even weeks, on a single battery charge.

OR these items are also available together as a kit:

And you'll need a USB cable to connect the MagTag to your computer to upload the code:

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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