This is intended to be a high level overview of the code, since it is relatively complex. There are two files that handle the storybook code. These are the file, which handles the majority of the code and the file, which handles the listening and speech recognition tasks.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Melissa LeBlanc-Williams for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import threading import sys import os import re import time import argparse import math import configparser from enum import Enum from collections import deque import board import digitalio import neopixel from openai import OpenAI import pygame from rpi_backlight import Backlight from adafruit_led_animation.animation.pulse import Pulse from listener import Listener # Base Path is the folder the script resides in BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if BASE_PATH != "": BASE_PATH += "/" # General Settings STORY_WORD_LENGTH = 800 REED_SWITCH_PIN = board.D17 NEOPIXEL_PIN = board.D18 API_KEYS_FILE = "~/keys.txt" PROMPT_FILE = "/boot/bookprompt.txt" # Quit Settings (Close book QUIT_CLOSES within QUIT_TIME_PERIOD to quit) QUIT_CLOSES = 3 QUIT_TIME_PERIOD = 5 # Time period in Seconds QUIT_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 0.25 # Time to wait before counting next closeing # Neopixel Settings NEOPIXEL_COUNT = 1 NEOPIXEL_BRIGHTNESS = 0.2 NEOPIXEL_ORDER = neopixel.GRBW NEOPIXEL_LOADING_COLOR = (0, 255, 0, 0) # Loading/Dreaming (Green) NEOPIXEL_SLEEP_COLOR = (0, 0, 0, 0) # Sleeping (Off) NEOPIXEL_WAITING_COLOR = (255, 255, 0, 0) # Waiting for Input (Yellow) NEOPIXEL_READING_COLOR = (0, 0, 255, 0) # Reading (Blue) NEOPIXEL_PULSE_SPEED = 0.1 # Image Settings WELCOME_IMAGE = "welcome.png" BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "paper_background.png" LOADING_IMAGE = "loading.png" BUTTON_BACK_IMAGE = "button_back.png" BUTTON_NEXT_IMAGE = "button_next.png" BUTTON_NEW_IMAGE = "button_new.png" # Asset Paths IMAGES_PATH = BASE_PATH + "images/" FONTS_PATH = BASE_PATH + "fonts/" # Font Path & Size TITLE_FONT = (FONTS_PATH + "Desdemona Black Regular.otf", 48) TITLE_COLOR = (0, 0, 0) TEXT_FONT = (FONTS_PATH + "times new roman.ttf", 24) TEXT_COLOR = (0, 0, 0) # Delays Settings # Used to control the speed of the text WORD_DELAY = 0.1 TITLE_FADE_TIME = 0.05 TITLE_FADE_STEPS = 25 TEXT_FADE_TIME = 0.25 TEXT_FADE_STEPS = 51 ALSA_ERROR_DELAY = 0.5 # Delay to wait after an ALSA errors # Whitespace Settings (in Pixels) PAGE_TOP_MARGIN = 20 PAGE_SIDE_MARGIN = 20 PAGE_BOTTOM_MARGIN = 0 PAGE_NAV_HEIGHT = 100 EXTRA_LINE_SPACING = 0 PARAGRAPH_SPACING = 30 # ChatGPT Parameters SYSTEM_ROLE = "You are a master AI Storyteller that can tell a story of any length." CHATGPT_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo" # You can also use "gpt-4", which is slower, but more accurate WHISPER_MODEL = "whisper-1" # Speech Recognition Parameters ENERGY_THRESHOLD = 300 # Energy level for mic to detect RECORD_TIMEOUT = 30 # Maximum time in seconds to wait for speech # Do some checks and Import API keys from API_KEYS_FILE config = configparser.ConfigParser() if os.geteuid() != 0: print("Please run this script as root.") sys.exit(1) username = os.environ["SUDO_USER"] user_homedir = os.path.expanduser(f"~{username}") API_KEYS_FILE = API_KEYS_FILE.replace("~", user_homedir) print(os.path.expanduser(API_KEYS_FILE)) if not config.has_section("openai"): print("Please make sure API_KEYS_FILE points to a valid file.") sys.exit(1) if "OPENAI_API_KEY" not in config["openai"]: print( "Please make sure your API keys file contains an OPENAI_API_KEY under the openai section." ) sys.exit(1) if len(config["openai"]["OPENAI_API_KEY"]) < 10: print("Please set OPENAI_API_KEY in your API keys file with a valid key.") sys.exit(1) openai = OpenAI( # This is the default and can be omitted api_key=config["openai"]["OPENAI_API_KEY"], ) # Check that the prompt file exists and load it if not os.path.isfile(PROMPT_FILE): print("Please make sure PROMPT_FILE points to a valid file.") sys.exit(1) def strip_fancy_quotes(text): text = re.sub(r"[\u2018\u2019]", "'", text) text = re.sub(r"[\u201C\u201D]", '"', text) return text class Position(Enum): TOP = 0 CENTER = 1 BOTTOM = 2 LEFT = 3 RIGHT = 4 class Button: def __init__(self, x, y, image, action, draw_function): self.x = x self.y = y self.image = image self.action = action self._width = self.image.get_width() self._height = self.image.get_height() self._visible = False self._draw_function = draw_function def is_in_bounds(self, position): x, y = position return ( self.x <= x <= self.x + self.width and self.y <= y <= self.y + self.height ) def show(self): self._draw_function(self.image, self.x, self.y) self._visible = True @property def width(self): return self._width @property def height(self): return self._height @property def visible(self): return self._visible class Textarea: def __init__(self, x, y, width, height): self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height @property def size(self): return {"width": self.width, "height": self.height} class Book: def __init__(self, rotation=0): self.paragraph_number = 0 = 0 self.pages = [] self.stories = [] self.story = 0 self.rotation = rotation self.images = {} self.fonts = {} self.buttons = {} self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.textarea = None self.screen = None self.saved_screen = None self._sleeping = False self.sleep_check_delay = 0.1 self._sleep_check_thread = None self._sleep_request = False self._running = True self._busy = False self._loading = False # Use a Double Ended Queue to handle the heavy lifting self._closing_times = deque(maxlen=QUIT_CLOSES) # Use a cursor to keep track of where we are in the text area self.cursor = {"x": 0, "y": 0} self.listener = None self.backlight = Backlight() self.pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel( NEOPIXEL_PIN, NEOPIXEL_COUNT, brightness=NEOPIXEL_BRIGHTNESS, pixel_order=NEOPIXEL_ORDER, auto_write=False, ) self._prompt = "" self._load_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._handle_loading_status) self._load_thread.start() def start(self): # Output to the LCD instead of the console os.putenv("DISPLAY", ":0") self._set_status_color(NEOPIXEL_LOADING_COLOR) # Initialize the display pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN) pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) self.screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) self.width = self.screen.get_height() self.height = self.screen.get_width() # Preload welcome image and display it self._load_image("welcome", WELCOME_IMAGE) self.display_welcome() # Load the prompt file with open(PROMPT_FILE, "r") as f: self._prompt = # Initialize the Listener self.listener = Listener( openai.api_key, ENERGY_THRESHOLD, RECORD_TIMEOUT ) # Preload remaining images self._load_image("background", BACKGROUND_IMAGE) self._load_image("loading", LOADING_IMAGE) # Preload fonts self._load_font("title", TITLE_FONT) self._load_font("text", TEXT_FONT) # Add buttons back_button_image = pygame.image.load(IMAGES_PATH + BUTTON_BACK_IMAGE) next_button_image = pygame.image.load(IMAGES_PATH + BUTTON_NEXT_IMAGE) new_button_image = pygame.image.load(IMAGES_PATH + BUTTON_NEW_IMAGE) button_spacing = ( self.width - ( back_button_image.get_width() + next_button_image.get_width() + new_button_image.get_width() ) ) // 4 button_ypos = ( self.height - PAGE_NAV_HEIGHT + (PAGE_NAV_HEIGHT - next_button_image.get_height()) // 2 ) self._load_button( "back", button_spacing, button_ypos, back_button_image, self.previous_page, self._display_surface, ) self._load_button( "new", button_spacing * 2 + back_button_image.get_width(), button_ypos, new_button_image, self.new_story, self._display_surface, ) self._load_button( "next", button_spacing * 3 + back_button_image.get_width() + new_button_image.get_width(), button_ypos, next_button_image, self.next_page, self._display_surface, ) # Add Text Area self.textarea = Textarea( PAGE_SIDE_MARGIN, PAGE_TOP_MARGIN, self.width - PAGE_SIDE_MARGIN * 2, self.height - PAGE_NAV_HEIGHT - PAGE_TOP_MARGIN - PAGE_BOTTOM_MARGIN, ) # Start the sleep check thread after everything is initialized self._sleep_check_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._handle_sleep) self._sleep_check_thread.start() self._set_status_color(NEOPIXEL_READING_COLOR) def deinit(self): self._running = False self._sleep_check_thread.join() self._load_thread.join() self.backlight.power = True def _handle_sleep(self): reed_switch = digitalio.DigitalInOut(REED_SWITCH_PIN) reed_switch.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT reed_switch.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP while self._running: if self._sleeping and reed_switch.value: # Book Open self._wake() elif not self._sleeping and not reed_switch.value: self._sleep() time.sleep(self.sleep_check_delay) def _handle_loading_status(self): pulse = Pulse( self.pixels, speed=NEOPIXEL_PULSE_SPEED, color=NEOPIXEL_LOADING_COLOR, period=3, ) while self._running: if self._loading: pulse.animate() time.sleep(0.1) # Turn off the Neopixels self.pixels.fill(0) def _set_status_color(self, status_color): if status_color not in [ NEOPIXEL_READING_COLOR, NEOPIXEL_WAITING_COLOR, NEOPIXEL_SLEEP_COLOR, NEOPIXEL_LOADING_COLOR, ]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid status color {status_color}.") # Handle loading color by setting the loading flag self._loading = status_color == NEOPIXEL_LOADING_COLOR # Handle other status colors by setting the neopixels if status_color != NEOPIXEL_LOADING_COLOR: self.pixels.fill(status_color) def handle_events(self): if not self._sleeping: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: raise SystemExit if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self._handle_mousedown_event(event) time.sleep(0.1) def _handle_mousedown_event(self, event): if event.button == 1: # If button pressed while visible, trigger action coords = self._rotate_mouse_pos(event.pos) for button in self.buttons.values(): if button.visible and button.is_in_bounds(coords): button.action() def _rotate_mouse_pos(self, point): # Recalculate the mouse position based on the rotation of the screen # So that we have the coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the screen angle = 360 - self.rotation y, x = point x -= self.width // 2 y -= self.height // 2 x, y = x * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) + y * math.cos( math.radians(angle) ), x * math.cos(math.radians(angle)) - y * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) x += self.width // 2 y += self.height // 2 return (round(x), round(y)) def _load_image(self, name, filename): try: image = pygame.image.load(IMAGES_PATH + filename) self.images[name] = image except pygame.error: pass def _load_button(self, name, x, y, image, action, display_surface): self.buttons[name] = Button(x, y, image, action, display_surface) def _load_font(self, name, details): self.fonts[name] = pygame.font.Font(details[0], details[1]) def _display_surface(self, surface, x=0, y=0, target_surface=None): # Display a surface either positionally or with a specific x,y coordinate buffer = self._create_transparent_buffer((self.width, self.height)) buffer.blit(surface, (x, y)) if target_surface is None: buffer = pygame.transform.rotate(buffer, self.rotation) self.screen.blit(buffer, (0, 0)) else: target_surface.blit(buffer, (0, 0)) def _fade_in_surface(self, surface, x, y, fade_time, fade_steps=50): background = self._create_transparent_buffer((self.width, self.height)) self._display_surface(self.images["background"], 0, 0, background) buffer = self._create_transparent_buffer(surface.get_size()) fade_delay = round( fade_time / fade_steps * 1000 ) # Time to delay in ms between each fade step def draw_alpha(alpha): buffer.blit(background, (-x, -y)) surface.set_alpha(alpha) buffer.blit(surface, (0, 0)) self._display_surface(buffer, x, y) pygame.display.update() for alpha in range(0, 255, round(255 / fade_steps)): draw_alpha(alpha) pygame.time.wait(fade_delay) if self._sleep_request: draw_alpha(255) # Finish up quickly return def display_current_page(self): self._busy = True self._display_surface(self.images["background"], 0, 0) pygame.display.update() print(f"Loading page {} of {len(self.pages)}") page_data = self.pages[] # Display the title if page_data["title"]: self._display_title_text(page_data["title"]) self._fade_in_surface( page_data["buffer"], self.textarea.x, self.textarea.y + page_data["text_position"], TEXT_FADE_TIME, TEXT_FADE_STEPS, ) # Display the navigation buttons if > 0 or self.story > 0: self.buttons["back"].show() self.buttons["next"].show() self.buttons["new"].show() pygame.display.update() self._busy = False @staticmethod def _create_transparent_buffer(size): if isinstance(size, (tuple, list)): (width, height) = size elif isinstance(size, dict): width = size["width"] height = size["height"] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid size {size}. Should be tuple, list, or dict.") buffer = pygame.Surface((width, height), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) buffer = buffer.convert_alpha() return buffer def _display_title_text(self, text, y=0): # Render the title as multiple lines if too big lines = self._wrap_text(text, self.fonts["title"], self.textarea.width) self.cursor["y"] = y delay_value = WORD_DELAY for line in lines: words = line.split(" ") self.cursor["x"] = ( self.textarea.width // 2 - self.fonts["title"].size(line)[0] // 2 ) for word in words: text = self.fonts["title"].render(word + " ", True, TITLE_COLOR) if self._sleep_request: delay_value = 0 self._display_surface( text, self.cursor["x"] + self.textarea.x, self.cursor["y"] + self.textarea.y, ) else: self._fade_in_surface( text, self.cursor["x"] + self.textarea.x, self.cursor["y"] + self.textarea.y, TITLE_FADE_TIME, TITLE_FADE_STEPS, ) pygame.display.update() self.cursor["x"] += text.get_width() time.sleep(delay_value) self.cursor["y"] += self.fonts["title"].size(line)[1] def _title_text_height(self, text): lines = self._wrap_text(text, self.fonts["title"], self.textarea.width) height = 0 for line in lines: height += self.fonts["title"].size(line)[1] return height @staticmethod def _wrap_text(text, font, width): lines = [] line = "" for word in text.split(" "): if font.size(line + word)[0] < width: line += word + " " else: lines.append(line) line = word + " " lines.append(line) return lines def previous_page(self): if > 0 or self.story > 0: -= 1 if < 0: self.story -= 1 self.load_story(self.stories[self.story]) = len(self.pages) - 1 self.display_current_page() def next_page(self): += 1 if >= len(self.pages): if self.story < len(self.stories) - 1: self.story += 1 self.load_story(self.stories[self.story]) = 0 else: self.generate_new_story() self.display_current_page() def new_story(self): self.generate_new_story() self.display_current_page() def display_loading(self): self._display_surface(self.images["loading"], 0, 0) pygame.display.update() self._set_status_color(NEOPIXEL_LOADING_COLOR) def display_welcome(self): self._display_surface(self.images["welcome"], 0, 0) pygame.display.update() def display_message(self, message): self._busy = True self._display_surface(self.images["background"], 0, 0) height = self._title_text_height(message) self._display_title_text(message, self.height // 2 - height // 2) self._busy = False def load_story(self, story): # Parse out the title and story and render into pages self._busy = True self.pages = [] if not story.startswith("Title: "): print("Unexpected story format from ChatGPT. Missing Title.") title = "A Story" else: title = story.split("Title: ")[1].split("\n\n")[0] page = self._add_page(title) paragraphs = story.split("\n\n")[1:] for paragraph in paragraphs: lines = self._wrap_text(paragraph, self.fonts["text"], self.textarea.width) for line in lines: self.cursor["x"] = 0 text = self.fonts["text"].render(line, True, TEXT_COLOR) if ( self.cursor["y"] + self.fonts["text"].get_height() > page["buffer"].get_height() ): page = self._add_page() self._display_surface( text, self.cursor["x"], self.cursor["y"], page["buffer"] ) self.cursor["y"] += self.fonts["text"].size(line)[1] if self.cursor["y"] > 0: self.cursor["y"] += PARAGRAPH_SPACING print(f"Loaded story at index {self.story} with {len(self.pages)} pages") self._set_status_color(NEOPIXEL_READING_COLOR) self._busy = False def _add_page(self, title=None): page = { "title": title, "text_position": 0, } if title: page["text_position"] = self._title_text_height(title) + PARAGRAPH_SPACING page["buffer"] = self._create_transparent_buffer( (self.textarea.width, self.textarea.height - page["text_position"]) ) self.cursor["y"] = 0 self.pages.append(page) return page def generate_new_story(self): self._busy = True self.display_message("Speak aloud the story you wish to read.") if self._sleep_request: self._busy = False time.sleep(0.2) return def show_listening(): # Pause for a beat because the listener doesn't # immediately start listening sometimes time.sleep(ALSA_ERROR_DELAY) self.pixels.fill(NEOPIXEL_WAITING_COLOR) self.listener.listen(ready_callback=show_listening) if self._sleep_request: self._busy = False return if not self.listener.speech_waiting(): # No response from user, so return print("No response from user.") return story_request = self.listener.recognize() print(f"Whisper heard: {story_request}") story_prompt = self._make_story_prompt(story_request) self.display_loading() response = self._sendchat(story_prompt) if self._sleep_request: self._busy = False return print(response) self._busy = True self.stories.append(response) self.story = len(self.stories) - 1 = 0 self._busy = False self.load_story(response) def _sleep(self): # Set a sleep request flag so that any busy threads know to finish up self._sleep_request = True if self.listener.is_listening(): self.listener.stop_listening() while self._busy: time.sleep(0.1) self._sleep_request = False if ( len(self._closing_times) == 0 or (time.monotonic() - self._closing_times[-1]) > QUIT_DEBOUNCE_DELAY ): self._closing_times.append(time.monotonic()) # Check if we've closed the book a certain number of times # within a certain number of seconds if ( len(self._closing_times) == QUIT_CLOSES and self._closing_times[-1] - self._closing_times[0] < QUIT_TIME_PERIOD ): self._running = False return self._sleeping = True self._set_status_color(NEOPIXEL_SLEEP_COLOR) self.sleep_check_delay = 0 self.backlight.power = False def _wake(self): # Turn on the screen self.backlight.power = True self.sleep_check_delay = 0.1 self._set_status_color(NEOPIXEL_READING_COLOR) self._sleeping = False def _make_story_prompt(self, request): return self._prompt.format( STORY_WORD_LENGTH=STORY_WORD_LENGTH, STORY_REQUEST=request ) def _sendchat(self, prompt): response = "" print("Sending to chatGPT") print("Prompt: ", prompt) # Package up the text to send to ChatGPT stream = model=CHATGPT_MODEL, messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": SYSTEM_ROLE}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt}, ], stream=True, ) for chunk in stream: if chunk.choices[0].delta.content is not None: response += chunk.choices[0].delta.content if self._sleep_request: return None # Send the heard text to ChatGPT and return the result return strip_fancy_quotes(response) @property def running(self): return self._running @property def sleeping(self): return self._sleeping def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Book will only be rendered vertically for the sake of simplicity parser.add_argument( "--rotation", type=int, choices=[90, 270], dest="rotation", action="store", default=90, help="Rotate everything on the display by this amount", ) return parser.parse_args() def main(args): book = Book(args.rotation) try: book.start() while len(book.pages) == 0: if not book.sleeping: book.generate_new_story() book.display_current_page() while book.running: book.handle_events() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: book.deinit() pygame.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": main(parse_args())
Configuration Options
This project has a lot of configuration options to get it to run exactly as you would like. In order to get through them, they will be discussed in groups.
General Settings
: The approximate number of words used in the generated stories. -
: The pin that your reed switch is wired to in case your wiring varies from the wiring in this guide. -
: The pin your NeoPixels are wired to. There are very few PWM pins on the Pi, so this shouldn't change. -
: The location of your keys.txt file. By default, it points to your home directory. -
: The location of your bookprompt.txt file. This was placed in the /boot folder for your convenience if you enabled the read-only file system.
Other Setting Groups
- Quit Settings: Gesture settings related to quitting the app
- NeoPixel Settings: NeoPixel parameters and Colors
- Image Settings: The filenames of the images
- Asset Paths: The file locations of the images and fonts. By default they are relative to the main script.
- Font Path & Size: The font files and font sizes for the Title and Text
- Delay Settings: Used to control the animations of the text
- Whitespace Settings: Settings to control the amount of whitespace around the text.
- ChatGPT Parameters: The Basic ChatGPT settings
- Speech Recognition Parameters: Parameters to control the voice input values
External Config Files
Next the script pulls in external configuration files including keys.txt and bookprompt.txt. The keys are read in as a config file, which is a built-in Python mechanism that makes it easy to parse and the prompt is read as a plain text file.
UI Element Classes
The Button and Textarea classes are intended to make handling the buttons and text areas easier. The buttons are the clickable elements and the text area is the area on the page that displays text. They mostly store all the relevant information related to their particular special purpose, though the button also handles displaying and checking if you clicked within its boundaries.
The Book Class
The book class is the main class that handles everything related to the book and handles the majority of the logic. Here are some of the notable functions:
- Start: Handles the stating and initialization of the code. This is what runs while it initially displays the welcome screen. It sets up Pygame. Then it loads the images, buttons, and fonts and starts some subthreads.
- Handle Functions: These run in the background and handle various tasks such as putting the book to sleep when the reed switch is closed, displaying the pulsing green NeoPixels while loading, and handling button presses.
- Display Surface: Handles displaying and rotating the image
- Fade In Surface: Handles the fade in animation of the title text
- Display Current Page: Displays the page of the story we are currently set to as well as the buttons.
- Display Title Text: Handles slicing up and centering the title text
- Previous Page, Next Page, New Story: Button handlers for navigation or making a new story.
- Display Loading, Welcome, Message: Display the appropriate special page
- Load Story: Parse the story output from ChatGPT into paragraphs and a title
- Add Page: Creates a new page in memory which includes a title and the height at which the text should display.
- Generate New Story: Prompts the user for a story. Display a message and use the listener class to listen and recognize the speech.
- Sleep and Wake: Put the book in sleep or wake modes. This turns off the backlight and coordinates with other threads to put the book into a sleep state or wake from it.
- SendChat: Formats the prompt into a data structure that is passed along to ChatGPT. Special characters that may be returned are stripped.
Parse Arguments
The app only takes a single argument, which is rotation. By default it is set to 90 degrees, but can also be set to 270 if the display is installed upside down.
This is the entry point for the application and handles initializing the book and calling handle events in a loop while the book is running.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Melissa LeBlanc-Williams for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import speech_recognition as sr class Listener: def __init__( self, api_key, energy_threshold=300, record_timeout=30 ): self.listener_handle = None self.microphone = sr.Microphone() self.recognizer = sr.Recognizer() self.recognizer.energy_threshold = energy_threshold self.recognizer.dynamic_energy_threshold = False self.recognizer.pause_threshold = 1 self.phrase_time = time.monotonic() with self.microphone as source: self.recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise( source ) # we only need to calibrate once, before we start listening self.record_timeout = record_timeout self._audio = None self.listener_handle = None self.api_key = api_key def listen(self, ready_callback=None): print("Start listening...") self._start_listening() if ready_callback: ready_callback() while ( self.listener_handle and not self.speech_waiting() ): time.sleep(0.1) self.stop_listening() def _save_audio_callback(self, _, audio): print("Saving audio") self._audio = audio def _start_listening(self): if not self.listener_handle: self.listener_handle = self.recognizer.listen_in_background( self.microphone, self._save_audio_callback, phrase_time_limit=self.record_timeout, ) def stop_listening(self, wait_for_stop=False): if self.listener_handle: self.listener_handle(wait_for_stop=wait_for_stop) self.listener_handle = None print("Stop listening...") def is_listening(self): return self.listener_handle is not None def speech_waiting(self): return self._audio is not None def recognize(self): if self._audio: # Transcribe the audio data to text using Whisper print("Recognizing...") attempts = 0 while attempts < 3: try: result = self.recognizer.recognize_whisper_api( self._audio, api_key=self.api_key ) self._audio = None return result.strip() except sr.RequestError as e: print(f"Error: {e}") time.sleep(3) attempts += 1 print("Retry attempt: ", attempts) print("Failed to recognize") return None return None
The Listener Class is fairly simple. It is mostly a wrapper for the SpeechRecognition
library that listens in the background when the listening has started and is able to be stopped early in case the book needs to go to sleep.
The recognize function simply makes use of some recently added functionality in SpeechRecognition
that interfaces with OpenAI's whisper API. If there is any communication issue, it will make up to 3 attempts before failing.
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