Brighten up your next bouquet! Build LEDs into faux flowers for a festive centerpiece, Mother's Day gift, prom corsage, or wedding party.
This simple soldering project is great for beginners! To build your own, you will need:
- Faux flowers - we got ours at a craft supply store
- 10 Adafruit LED Sequins (2 packs) in color of choice
- Green silicone-coated wire in 30 gauge (3 packs)
- 4xAA battery holder (for longer life) or 2x2032 battery holder (small and wearable)
- hot glue gun
- rubber bands
- floral tape
- wire strippers
- flush snips
- soldering iron
- third hand tool
- heat shrink tubing
Please review the following guides before you begin:
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