To run this demo, connect the NeoPixel ring to the LPC824Max development board as follows:
- Connect the DATA/DIN pin on the Neopixels to P0.22 (A3 on the LPC824MAX Arduino header)
- Connect Power 5V DC on the NeoPixel to the +5V pin on the LPC824Max
- Connect GND on the NeoPixel to GND on the LPC824Max
Then connect the Sharp IR distance sensor as follows:
- Connect the yellow cable (analog output) to P0.6 (A0 on the LPC824Max Arduino header)
- Connect the red cable to the +5V pin on the LPC824 Max
- Connect the black cable to GND on the LPC824Max
Physical Wiring Details
There are numerous ways to solder this project together, depending on the project requirements, but for convenience sake the NeoPixel ring and Sharp IR Sensor were connected to the LPC824MAX development board with silicon wiring since it's heat resistant, flexible, and is easy to work through the back of the enclosure.
The ends of the two sets of three cables were soldered to two sets of 3-pin wide 0.1" male headers pins, which were then inserted into a tiny breadboard:
3D Printed Enclosure
To get the project off the table and into a usable form factor, a 3D printed enclosure was designed for the NeoPixel ring and the Sharp IR distance sensor.
The STL files are available with the source code on Github, and consist of two mandatory parts, and an optional third part:
- Standv1.stl: A stand to support the NeoPixel ring and Sharp IR sensor
- Neopixelv5.stl: A circular enclosure for the NeoPixel ring and Sharp IR sensor that can be screwed onto the base
- Neopixelv5_diffuserv4.stl: An optional third diffusion ring that can be printed in a semi-opaque material and snapped on top of the circular enclosure if desired
A rendered image of the various parts can be seen below. The development board and wires aren't shown.
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