How It Works
The basis of Operation is a simple circuit with an LED, a vibrating motor, and a buzzer. When you close the circuit, the components do their thing.
However, for kids who are not used to working with circuits, it's a little hard to picture what's going on. The sample circuit here makes it a little clearer:
- All the positive wires, or leads, of the components are connected to one piece of foil -- in this case, on the right side of the sample.
- All the negative leads are connected to a second piece of foil on the left.
- One end of the wire is connected to the positive side of the battery.
- The other end is connected to the metal tweezers (represented here by a blob of foil).
- The negative side of the battery is attached to the negative piece of foil.
- When you touch the "tweezers" to the positive piece of foil, the wire closes the circuit and zzzzzzap!
The gameboard works the same way -- but in that case, the positive piece of foil is attached to the inside of the box, and the negative piece of foil is attached to the outside of the box.
To connect them and close the circuit, you touch the tweezer wire to the inside foil where it comes up through the openings in the top of the box.
It's a little convoluted, but it works!
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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