Angled shot of Zumo showing the pusher element.
The Pololu Zumo robot is an Arduino-controllable tracked robot platform that is less than 10 cm × 10 cm—small enough to qualify for Mini Sumo. It includes two micro metal...
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Angled shot of a Adafruit METRO 328 Fully Assembled
We sure love the ATmega328 here at Adafruit, and we use them a lot for our own projects. The processor has plenty of GPIO, Analog inputs, hardware UART SPI and I2C,...
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Angled shot of coiled USB-A to USB-B cable.
This here is your standard A-B USB cable, for USB 1.1 or 2.0. Perfect for connecting a PC to your Arduino, USBtinyISP (among other things).3 feet / 1 meter long
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